Tim Meadows

TIM MEADOWS LIVE: Funnyman Tim Meadows tickled audiences for over 10 years on Saturday Night Live with spot-on impressions of OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson, and Tiger Woods in addition to his trademark Ladies Man character. With the same acerbic wit and dead pan delivery that his fans already know and love, he continues to delight audiences at standup comedy venues around the nation. Whether he’s talking about not celebrating Kwanzaa or making fun of his Detroit upbringing, Meadows never fails to catch ticket buyers off guard and get them laughing with gut-busting punchlines that work brilliantly with his even-keeled, straight-faced style. Audiences can expect an evening of humorous anecdotes and spontaneous insights wherever Tim Meadows takes his unique and side-splitting brand of standup comedy on tour.

Fan Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
We stood in line for over 20 mins just to get in the venue; 1 door and 1 older security guard checking purses and IDs well past the supposed 7:30 start time. When we finally got into the venue, we were seated at 2 forward-facing chairs (no table except behind us). There were 4 comedians before Tim Meadows. The first 2 - women - were not funny; vulgar, focusing on their genitals, one speaking about her 4-year old 'bitch' daughter who she left in the car out back. The other telling how yoga has made her limber enough to 'self-satisfy' herself. The 2 guys following were great. Should have done the entire show! Tim Meadows did maybe 15-20 minutes. No routine. Just railed against our town: "What the f--- kind of place is this? 2hours from LAX? I should have flown over in a plane and said F--- you! Crummy-assed place...." Then he talked about being divorced and if he didn't have to pay alimony, he would not have to work in crummy casinos and crummy cities like ours....." Then finished up with his impression of Judge Judy's bailiff by sleeping on stage. Just horrible. Not funny. Not enjoyable. A waste of time (total just about an hour for the entire show) and money. Also could not get a second drink for the "2-drink minimum" and had to chase the waitress down for our credit card and to ensure we were not charged for q second phantom drink.
Cobb's Comedy Club - San Francisco, CA - Sat, Sep 5, 2015
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Why would someone show up for work and not do the work. That s what Tim did. The 4th act was descent at least I laughed once.
Cobb's Comedy Club - San Francisco, CA - Sat, Sep 5, 2015
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My husband and I have been going to comedy shows for over 20 years on a regular basis. This, I must say was the worst. I was prepared to bust my seams laughing and there was nothing to laugh about. The sad thing for an established comedian like that, is that he had nothing to say. The show started 15 minutes late. All shows that I ve been to, started within 5-6 minutes of schedule. He had 4 opening act. He was on for about 25 minutes. You can tell he didn t want to be there.
Cobb's Comedy Club - San Francisco, CA - Sat, Sep 5, 2015
Comethazine :: Gallant :: Kimbra :: U.S. Bank Stadium Tour :: Vanessa Da Mata
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The line up was ok until Daniel took the stage. He was Funny! Then Tim came on and he was Funny also!
Cobb's Comedy Club - San Francisco, CA - Sat, Sep 5, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Starter and middle act were mediocre. Tim started funny and then got boring when he basically started telling celebrity stories. Decent set but you could tell he was done with the weekend. At least he finished with ladies man for a crowd pleaser. Meadows has seen better days...
Cobb's Comedy Club - San Francisco, CA - Sat, Sep 5, 2015
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
He should NOT consider himself a comedian because it is an insult to them. I cannot believe someone would book him, which indicates why he has never been to Tommy T's.
Cobb's Comedy Club - San Francisco, CA - Sat, Sep 5, 2015
[Temporary disabled]Tim Meadows needs your feedback
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