The Rocky Horror Picture Show Live!

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Live!

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was the second time I went to the annual midnight screening of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the Empire Theater in Grand Forks. I love the movie; it's just the right mixture of humor, music and pure, unadulterated naughtiness, anchored by a spectacular performance by the great Tim Curry as Dr. Frankenfurter. As with last year's screening, there were a bevy of "virgins" (meaning kids who hadn't seen the film before and had no idea what to expect) that were commanded by the emcee to strip down to their skivvies onstage before the screening started; it was fun watching the squeamish types quickly vacate the stage when they realized that the guy wasn't kidding. It was all in good fun, and when the film started, so did the interaction, with various people acting out the dialogue and lyrics underneath the film itself. The problem I had was with the level of the volume. Last year, the level was up high enough that I had no trouble making out the dialogue and lyrics, but this year it was set so low that it was nearly impossible to follow, even after I moved twice to get closer to the screen. While it was fun to watch everyone in the audience go nuts during "The Time Warp" (I have to admit that I'm not a 'participation' kinda guy), it was a little annoying that the volume was set as low as it was. The Empire, besides operating as a movie theater, is primarily a concert hall, and I just cannot imagine why the volume was so low. I asked someone in the lobby about it, and they just shrugged. Very odd! Anyway...I enjoyed the film as best I could, but I hope that the management has everything fixed by next year, or I may have to just wait until I'm in L.A. in January to see--and hear--the film as it was really meant to be experienced.
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
(At the risk of reading like the dialogue heard in the film from The Criminologist--played by former Bond bad guy Charles Gray--I'm going to attempt to describe my experience with "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" in general, and not just this one). I hadn't seen this notorious 1975 cult film and perennial midnight movie since my college days over twenty years ago, despite my having owned the bluray for some time. Somehow, it just didn't seem 'right' to experience this beacon of audience participation in a home setting, but I kept it around just the same, if only for nostalgia's sake. I should mention that I am not nearly the 'target' audience for this film. In fact, I'm quite happy to experience it as an observer rather than a 'participant'; in other words, no rice, toast, seltzer bottle contents nor acting out the dialogue or even shouting at the screen for me. The film is, of course, a catalog of sexualized high camp with some great songs and a spectacular, 'in-a-perfect-world' award-caliber performance by Tim Curry as the definitive Frank-N-Furter (it should be said that everyone in this cast is perfect in their part, but Curry really owns whatever scene he happens to be in). Seeing a pre-stardom (and of course, a pre-Oscar) Susan Sarandon in this movie is always fun, too (this was not her first film, however). The audience at this Halloween screening at the Empire Theater in Grand Forks was far more lively than I expected. Perhaps it's because GF, although a city, still feels like a 'small town' to me, having grown up here. The first time I saw this film, it was in a student union hall at the local college (UND), and there were no participants 'acting' the film out as it screened; the craziness at that show was limited to the occasional handfuls of rice or the odd slice of toast tossed being in the air, and sometimes one of the more 'outgoing' fans yelling out at a character every now and then. This Hallowe'en screening was far more in keeping with the film's reputation as a 'live cultural event' in comparison. From the very beginning, every scene and snatch of dialogue was enacted onstage in front of the screen by at least one 'actor', and oftentimes in VERY blue fashion (I have to say that I found it somewhat amusing to note the odd child in the audience. Getting 'em started early, are we?). The film began about 35 minutes past midnight; the 'opening act' consisted of various Empire workers managing to entice various people to strip down to their skivvies onstage in 'antici--pation' of the big event. As most everyone there, staff included, were done up in Halloween costumes, this added additional atmosphere to the evening (I went as myself, not having the patience for makeup). It was fun to watch "The Rocky Horror" experience unfold in the Empire, a venue that I have memories of seeing everything from a screening of the original 1981 "Clash of the Titans" to the now-late blues legend Bo Diddley perform in. In particular, watching everyone onstage and in the audience lose it doing "The Time Warp" was worth the price of admission alone (just $15). I expect that this may be the only time that I have the opportunity to review a film for Ticketmaster...but let's be honest, here..."Rocky Horror" has long since moved beyond the 'traditional' film-going experience decades ago. So I'm happy to do it!
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The actors that were on stage did a great job. The audience participation was a lot of fun. We really had a great time!!
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a witty, hilarious, and all around fun show. The actors were awesome and the audience participation was great. If you didn't bring your toast, confetti, etc to throw during the show, they had it all available for only $3! I would highly recommend this high energy, fun filled show. Not for the easily offended!
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent performance by the cast of Home of Happiness in Montclair, New Jersey. Extremely entertaining and fun. Would definitely recommend this performance to everyone. Loved it and look forward to seeing them again next year at Showboat. A must see.
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was probably the best Rocky Horror event I have ever been to! The venue was amazing, and The Home of Happiness was so fun and friendly. I really hope they do Rocky Horror again at House of Blues, because I will be there in a heartbeat! So much FUN!!!
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My husband & I went to see the screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show on 10/26 at the above venue and we had the BEST time !! The actors that shadowed the movie were AWESOME !! The only complaints I have are that the seats at the venue weren't very comfortable & also they should have had a bigger screen for the movie, but otherwise ... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My boyfriend and I went as virgins to the rocky horror experience and we absolutely loved it. Very interactive with the crowd. You can throw things an shout whatever you want. I recommend this show to anyone!!
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show brought me back to my youth! I enjoyed every minute!! I liked the introduction by the company that is doing the documentary about it. It really made me want to get involved-thanks!! The people were great-the costumes were fun!! I even went home with some extra rice for my souvineer. The only down side was that the volume on the screen was so loud, that you couldn't hear what the audience was yelling back! But we had an amazing time!!
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm not sure that the group that was in my theatre was even aware that there was some sort of Rocky Horror Picture Show protocol to deviate from. They didn't know when to use their props (which it was so kind of the Empire to let us do) and they just kind of yelled profanities at the screen. Which is acceptable, as long as they are witty profanities that go with the movie. The "witty" "gentlemen" that sat near me was neither, didn't know why the props were there, and was a virgin. But, about 97% of the group were virgins, I would guess. So, if you have seen it before, be bold about your leadership! If you have never seen it before, watch the movie beforehand so you know when to throw things! Also, dressing up to this clan meant not as cast members, but as normal costumes. So, be ready for that. But, the actors were really great and I would recommend going, just know it will be a lot of virgins. And, sit toward the front. There is a lot of interaction with the actors if you sit there.
The Empire Grand Forks ND - Grand Forks ND, ND - Fri, Oct 26, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this show. It was the first time seeing this live and I loved it. The audience involvement was great and the cast was wonderful. I would see this again!
Gilda's Laughfest - Grand Rapids, MI - Sat, Mar 12, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love these guys! They put on the best Halloween show in North Dakota. I've been going for the last 5 years and they just get better and better. The costumes are spot on and the choreography is perfect! They look like they absolutely belong in the movie playing behind them. I've been to RHPS shadow cast performances all over and I'd say that these guys are one of the very best shadow casts in the country right now. CHECK THEM OUT!
Gilda's Laughfest - Grand Rapids, MI - Sat, Mar 12, 2011
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This was awful. I was expecting an actual performance. All they did was mouth the words in front of a big screen while the movie was playing in the background. There was no actual singing or talking by the actors and no talent at all. The audience was so obnoxious; they kept screaming during the play so loud that you couldn't even hear the movie. The comments they shouted were immature and sexual. There was unnecessary stipteases during the movie that were put in just to get a reaction from the audience. If I wanted to watch the movie, I would have stayed home, saved the money, and not had a night that ended in frustration. There is so much potential for Rocky Horror but you certainly didn't see any of it here.
Gilda's Laughfest - Grand Rapids, MI - Sat, Mar 12, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It needed a different venue . the visual is important and for audience participation. our ticket had seat and row so we did not know we should go early .. I had to look around a pole .. audience particiaption is important and visual is important. listening to a comedian is not as important. if you cant get a perfect view.
Gilda's Laughfest - Grand Rapids, MI - Sat, Mar 12, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show was fantastic. The actors were amazing! A VERY VERY talented bunch of performers. I'm a HUGE Broadway fan and some of these people could have been on Broadway! The downfall was the seating at Mosaic Space. I could only see the heads of some performers and I had to try and lift myself off the seat to make that happen. For that reason alone, I was disappointed. I've never been to a production where visibility was that bad. :( So, unfortunately, I missed a LOT of what was going on onstage.
Gilda's Laughfest - Grand Rapids, MI - Sat, Mar 12, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing!The cast was terrific and the venue was very clean and organized.All around great time.
Gilda's Laughfest - Grand Rapids, MI - Sat, Mar 12, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show. Lots of fun for both audience and cast. I was a virgin until Saturday night, but no more!
Gilda's Laughfest - Grand Rapids, MI - Sat, Mar 12, 2011
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