Charli XCX

CHARLI XCX IN CONCERT:Rising British pop sensation Charli XCX may be best known for her collaborations with Iggy Azalea and Icona Pop, but lately it's her spectacular solo shows that fans are buzzing about. With her powerhouse vocals and edgy fashion, Charli is a commanding live presence, bringing the house down with stunning renditions of catchy electropop gems like "Boom Clap" and "You (Ha Ha Ha)". Critics have championed Charli as the next big thing in pop music, and fans lucky enough to catch her on tour will have bragging rights for years to come. Hey maybe instead of "turning heads" there it's something like "fans are buzzing about".

Charli XCX Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Børns was børing to me, so let's just skip them. Bleachers was an unexpected powerhouse of ROCK! Jack Antonoff is a great singer, and a fantastic showman. And this is coming from someone who does NOT like his other band, fun.. But Charli...where do I start? This was my 4th time seeing her perform, and she just keeps getting better and sexier with each increasingly skillful performance. She stalked the stage like she owned it, and impressed even me, who had seen her already-amazing shows before. Charli and her all-female band are so tight as performers, it would've been worth it at twice the price. DO NOT MISS A CHARLI XCX CONCERT! You will regret it.
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a fun show! I had never seen her live before but I enjoyed the whole thing. Her voice is pretty amazing to hear live. Actually, she sounds better live. She has a fun energy and is very entertaining on stage. I loved that her band was all women. At one point, they were sampling a Sleigh Bells riff and I damn near lost my mind. It was her first show in Vegas and I will be at every one after this!
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this concert was everything! I knew it would be so good that I went to the venue at ten am before it was even open and waited in the freezing cold the entire day. the opening acts Kitten(the band) and LIZ were amazing. check them out too. Charli's performance was out of this world her energy aura and stage presence was unlike any other! never had I been so enraptured by an artist. she interacted with us the whole time and even grabbed my hand during her song "Take My Hand" off her debut album True Romance out now on iTunes ;). and she even climbed on the barricade and leaned into the crowd. she really gave it her all and was well worth the wait. so if you want to see a P-E-R-F-O-R-M-A-N-C-E !! Then go see Charli xcx next time shes in your town.
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
Dash Berlin :: G-Eazy :: The Low Anthem :: The NBHD (The Neighbourhood) :: Adelitas Way
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charli is one of the most talented artists of our time her music is amazing and is even better to see live
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Charli XCX show at the Royale club in boston was on of the best shows, if not the best show I have been to and would go back again. She made the whole crowed obsessed over her hand her amazing music. The energy she put out was wicked and I didn't want it to be over.
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
She is a superstar. I expect that next time she comes around she will be selling out TD Garden. The venue is comfortable and beautiful
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My friend and I go to a concert at least once every school year in Boston. Charli XCX was a great experience, the venue of the Royale Boston was perfect, the people who opened for her were great and Charli XCX killed it! Overall the price of the tickets and the show were perfect.
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow! Charli was incredible!! She honestly was! I have been to plenty of shows and this was one of better ones I've been to! She had everyone dancing and she just looked and sounded great! Kitten were her openers and wow even they were great! Honestly one of the best openers! Chloe killed it!! I will defently go see her again!
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Had a blast, and Charli's vocals sound exactly like her recordings. Good crowd, upbeat vibe, nice set, I loved it! :)
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though there weren't nearly as many people in attendance as, for example, when she opened up for Marina & the Diamonds, Charli still gave an electrical performance and clearly gave it her all. She sounds just as good (if not better) than she does on her album True Romance. Even after what seemed to be a tiring performance, she was still gracious enough to meet fans after the show and sign autographs. What a wonderful human being!
Deluxe at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN - Wed, Jun 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
awesome show I would definitely recommend her to a friend
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everything from the DJ to the opening the the main act was PERFECT! Friendly crowd and lots of fun :)
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charli XCX proves that electro-pop doesn't need to be generic. She brings a great spin to the genre that keeps fan inthralled with here music. She displays such a geat stage presence with a maturity well beyond her 19 years. When I first heard her music I knew a star was born. She continues to prove me right! The only downside was she was billed with St. Lucia. They were dreadful. It was like one long boring song. THEY didn't even seemed thrilled to be there. Hopefully, moving forward, she will be paired with more talented and diverse groups.
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Loveeeeeeeeee St Lucia!!!!! Amazing vibe!!! I had goose bumps! Even not many people know them I'm sure they will be one of the best bands worldwide! Charli xcx not my style however she has great energy and beautiful voice.
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charli looked and sounded wonderful. So much energy and sass, it was perfect!
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an awesome event! I wasn't familiar with the first two bands but it turned out very fun! Charli was absolutely awesome too!
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Bleachers put on a high energy and quality show. The singer's voice translates well, and it seemed like everyone in the band played at least three different instruments. They were impressive musically and just simply a lot of fun. There was lots of good crowd interaction, and even though much of it has probably been rehearsed, a lot of it came across as spontaneous. Charli was pretty good. Her voice sounded pretty true to her released music, but her show was a little sterile and dull to be honest. It was great for the first couple of songs, but after that it was just kind of the same performance again and again. She also used some pre recorded music, which I am admittedly not a big fan of. She definitely wasn't bad or anything, and if you really like her music, she is definitely worth checking out. It all just seemed a little flat to me and the people in our group.
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bleachers blew the doors off the Fillmore Detroit and Charli XCX set the place on fire! She and her band jammed hit after hit and her versions of 'Fancy' and 'I Love It' were fiercer than the recorded versions. The material is R rated so it was a little awkward seeing pre-teens in the audience, but hopefully most of that went above their heads. Charli XCX is special, in that she comes of as the lovechild of Madonna and Billy Joe Armstrong of Green Day. Total Smash!!!
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
BORNS WAS A INSPIRING SINGER WHO WILL MAKE IT BIG!! Bleachers were incredible too!! Not a huge fan of Charli XCX.
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm going to be honest, I only bought a ticket because of the opening act. BØRNS, while not incredibly popular yet, is one of my favorite artists. Had he not been a part of this show, I know myself and my handful of friends would not have attended. He was fantastic, and surprisingly even better in person. After his set, I left the pit to go stand my the merch table in hopes of meeting him. He came out and I got a picture and to talk with him for a few moments. He was lovely, and my crush on him grew even bigger than it already was. Seeing him live was TRULY one of the happiest days of my life. His whole aura is so enlightening! Bleachers were good as well, of course. They're a fantastic band and definitely did not disappoint. I left before Charli came on, because I was feeling very hungry and honestly drained from my excitement from my favorite artist. I heard she was really good, as well. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but from all the people I talked to, I hear she put on a really exciting set. All in all, someone please bring Garrett Borns back to Columbus ASAP!! I'd die to see him again.
LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH - Wed, Aug 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bleachers is incredible! Best live show out there. I'll see them anytime they're anywhere even kind of close by!
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've seen Bleachers twice in Columbus and they ways put on a hell of a show.
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was my third time seeing Bleachers and by far my favorite. The opening group, Borns, was so talented and had such a fun sound - the perfect way to begin the night. When Bleachers came on the energy went through the roof, I've never been with a crowd who reacted so strongly to my favorite artist. It was amazing. And to finish the night, Charli XCX was surprisingly fantastic. I enjoyed her set so much, much more than I was expecting to. It was truly an unforgettable night!
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charli always puts on a great performance and she sounds amazing live. She's so much fun and makes the whole concert so exciting and enjoyable!!
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was one of the best concerts I have EVER been to! Everyone was brilliant. Borns opened up the show and we're so great. I can't wait till they headline their own show. The. My beloved Bleachers came on. BLEW MY FRIGGIN MIND. they were better than I could have ever prepared for. Came out to the crowd and I got to grab his hand and they were just all so humble and amazing. Charli came out and wowed the crowd with her amazing energy and when she covered Fancy by Iggy she even let some fans on stage for the whole song!
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome Show, Charli XCX and the Bleachers rocked the house.
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everyone sounded GREAT! LOVE The Pageant because there's no bad seat anywhere in the place. The energy was incredible! Definitely one of my favorite shows (:
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Super high energy. Unfortunately Børns couldn't make it. Unfortunately no encore from Charli XCX. Great show overall however.
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Purchased tickets to see BORNS who was listed as a special guest and he was not there. The subject was never addressed to the audience.
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wasn't expecting to go to the OC Fair and Charli XCX concert on the same day, but it was worth it! Not only was the seat at the concert near the front row, but the sound quality at the Pacific Amphitheater was good enough for the distance from the stage!
The Pacific Amphitheatre - Costa Mesa, CA - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Probably the best show I have seen/heard in years. Charli reminds me of the fun 80's infectious punk-pop that I loved in high-school and just as relevant. She is super talented and gorgeous. I never stopped dancing! Gonna try and see her again at the Hollywood Palladium in Oct.
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charli was amazing! One of the best shows of the year!
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I bought the tickets strictly for the Bleachers, so I am biased in my musical taste. I was pleasantly surprised by the opening group and was blown away by how good the Bleachers are live! They are engaging and highly entertaining. I've never seen a group interact with the crowd in such a genuine way, they had so much fun on stage that the mood was contagious! I would love to see them again! I lasted maybe one minute of Charlie XCX before I ran for the hills. I'm sure she's a cool chick, and obviously has a huge following, but definitely NOT my cup of tea. Initially I was upset that the Bleachers weren't the headliner, but it worked out because I got to see two great groups and then go home a bit early <3
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Giving it 4 stars because Bleachers were AMAZING, but Charli XCX...the headliner...less so. We were here for Charli XCX, but knew that Bleachers were "good," but I wasn't expecting their kind of powerhouse, enthusiastic, all-in kinda greatness. The Bleachers made me think of Springsteen - maybe the sax, but more the energy -- they are really,really great. So, the contrast of Charli XCX was pretty major since she just seemed to be calling it in and seems like she's sick of the whole thing. I was really excited that she had female musicians, but honestly, I think they were just playing along and/or posing and that really got me upset. I mean, surely, she could find attractive (if she needs to have attractive players...hmmmpft) female musicians who can actually play the music! And, if much of it is keyboards, why have someone on keyboards? I mean Bleachers had two people on keyboards, plus others playing other instruments. Why hide the fact that you have keyboards when that is what the music (largely) is. I mean, the drummer seemed to be playing more than the guitarist and the bass player, but the guitarist....Oooh! As a woman, to see this kind of nonsense.....a super attractive guitarist who was just wearing the guitar, for the most part.....Anyone else notice this? My teenage son asked me if it was really THAT important, and I said, YES, it really is THAT important. Lots of young girls in the audience, so why not show them REAL female musicians actually playing????? Charli XCX didn't even do an encore! What is THAT about?? She just didn't seem like she wanted to be there.
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
To be fair, we came for BØRNS (& slightly less so Bleachers) and were pretty meh about Charli XCX. BØRNS was fantastic - played the EP and a couple of new songs, all amazing. They sound even better live than they do on recording. Between sets, Garrett was out by the merch table just hanging out and talking to fans. Super sweet guy, very lowkey - took lots of pictures and signed tickets and t-shirts. Bleachers was absolutely incredible, an electric set. Everyone on stage was totally amped and engaged with the crowd (Jack was all over the place) and it definitely showed in the crowd's reaction. Their stage setup was awesome - everything was covered in mirrors and just looked so cool. Can't say enough good things about both bands. Sadly the same isn't really true for Charli XCX - lots of people, myself included, remarked that the ticket should've been flipped, or at least that Bleachers should've headlined, but it was relatively nice to be able to leave mid-set to head to BART without remorse. I knew a small handful of Charli's songs before the show and expected relatively good things. We were pretty surprised when her set opened with a song that was basically her standing on stage saying "fuck you, suckers" over and over again. I get that she's going for the bad girl/90s Clueless vibe, but it felt a little forced and the music was honestly not that great (there was a near-dubstep version of "Fancy" that killed my soul). Had she gone on before Bleachers, I think it would've been less obvious that her stage was pretty minimally decorated and her backing band disengaged and that she kind of just stood in the same place the entire time. After Bleachers, though, it was a pretty big come-down from how pumped up everything was. I'm sure that in the right place at the right time, Charli XCX could be a really fun act, but this just wasn't a good setup for her.
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Bleachers was great. Charli XCX was crude and disgusting, especially for the kids in the audience
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
wish I could have my money and time back. wish I didn't waste a night of my life on this nonsense. wish she was better
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Solid performances by artists with different approaches to pop music. Both were refreshing and no pun intended "fun".
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Clearly under the influence throughout the show. Couldn't connect with audience. Otherwise super talented so disappointing
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charli XCX gave an awesome concert, keeping the energy up throughout. I loved the prom theme and stage set! She writes and performs beautiful music!
Mayan Theater - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 24, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Without a doubt the best concert I been in. I really like how I was able to be close to chali xcx and how private it was.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sat, Oct 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So based upon mainstream airplay of Charlie XCX you might think she is an electronic/alternative artist. Well that's partially correct she is an alternative artist, but an alternative rocker is probably more like it. The show she put on at the Mayan was full of energy. She is definitely worth seeing live.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sat, Oct 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Woooooooo the show was amazing the quality of the sound very good special the bass I was feeling if we had a earthquake at that moment I saw the look of charly at that moment lookingto her partners she fell the real bass and to me I m happy because I saw my biggest star charly thnaks ticket master and golden promotions for this event unforgettable to me I hope do it again Sooner.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sat, Oct 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i've been a fan of charli xcx for almost two years, so finally getting to see her live was awesome!! the venue was clean and the tickets were really cheap considering charli is getting pretty famous! also both of the opening acts SLAYED (femme is definitely on her way to stardom!) and charli was great too! my only complaint is that i wish charli had played longer (she played a 65 minute set) but other than that i had a really fun night! i also met femme and elephant after the show and they were both so nice and humble! i also waited for charli but i wasn't able to meet her. either way, i would definitely see her again! charli had an undeniable amount of energy and pizzaz that the crowd just ate up!
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sat, Oct 4, 2014
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