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How long is 97X Next Big Thing?

Most 97X Next Big Thing concerts last about 1-3 hours but can run shorter or longer depending on the opening acts, encore, etc.

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Where is next big thing in Tampa?

MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre
Tampa Bay's Next Big Thing concert is almost enough to drink, 97X Next Big Thing at MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre on Saturday, December 4th, 2021.
Thereof, which is the next big thing?
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are not new concepts but will revolutionize the world within 5 years. AR enhances reality while VR helps us forget it. Together, they open a world beyond reality, the internet or the internet of things; a new industry, the internet of experiences, is emerging.

What technology will be in 2030?

By 2030, there will be exponential improvements of computer processing power, voice recognition, image recognition, deep learning and other software algorithms. Likewise, natural language processing technologies like GPT-3 are constantly being updated and surpassed.
What technology will we have in 2050?
According to Forbes, by 2050, IoT technology will be in 95% of electronics for new product designs. And by 2050 it is expected to have everything connected to the cloud and to the internet. According to Business Insider, Space tourism could be feasible in 2050, but likely only for the very wealthy.

Subsequently, which technology will boom in future?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has already received a lot of buzz in the past decade, but it continues to be one of the new technology trends because of its notable effects on how we live, work and play are only in the early stages.
How will the world be in 3000?
By the year 3000, global warming would be more than a hot topic - the West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, and global sea levels would rise by about 13 feet (4 meters), according to a new study.

What will happen in the year 2045?

So what's going to happen in 2045? It's pretty likely that robots and artificial technology will transform a bunch of industries, drone aircraft will continue their leap from the military to the civilian market, and self-driving cars will make your commute a lot more bearable.
One may also ask: what the world would be like in 100 years?
In 100 years, the world's population will probably be around 10 – 12 billion people, the rainforests will be largely cleared and the world would not be or look peaceful. We would have a shortage of resources such as water, food and habitation which would lead to conflicts and wars.

One may also ask: what will medicine be like in 2050?

There's also the burgeoning field of bionics, where electronics mimic biology in order to enhance human abilities. While elective and military enhancements are inevitable, medical applications - like artificial organs and replacement limbs - will arguably be the most common by 2050.

By Berl

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