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What life will be like in 2050?

By 2050, about 75% of the world population will be living in cities. Then there will be buildings touching the sky and cities will be settled from the ground up. Roads will be built up to several floors. And to move around, the buildings will be connected to the skywalk.

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Accordingly, what will technology be like in 2080?

These include fully artificial organs that never fail, bionic eyes and ears providing Superman-like senses, nanoscale brain interfaces to augment the wearer's intelligence, synthetic blood and bodily fluids that can filter deadly toxins and provide hours' worth of oxygen in a single breath.
Keeping this in consideration, who will rule the world in 2025?
According to a recent report by Harvard University, "From economic complexity growth estimates, India is growing at the annual list at the rate of 7.9 percent as the fastest growing country for the coming decade.

What happens in the year 2025?

The 2025 Polish presidential election is scheduled to be held. Toyota plans to launch its first fully electric vehicles. NASA will land the first female astronaut and the first African American male astronaut on the surface of the Moon through Artemis 3. Boeing is set to deliver the Boeing 777X to the market.
What year will humans go extinct?
Scientists estimate modern humans have been around about 200,000 years, so that should give us at least another 800,000 years. Other scientists believe we could be here another two million years...or even millions of years longer. On the other hand, some scientists believe we could be gone in the next 100 years.

Keeping this in consideration, how long will humans last?

Humanity has a 95% probability of being extinct in 7,800,000 years, according to J. Richard Gott's formulation of the controversial Doomsday argument, which argues that we have probably already lived through half the duration of human history.
What will humans look like in 100000 years?
100,000 Years From Today

We will also have larger nostrils, to make breathing easier in new environments that may not be on earth. Denser hair helps to prevent heat loss from their even larger heads. Our ability to control human biology means that the man and woman of the future will have perfectly symmetrical faces.

What will happen in 2046?

One of their researchers, Douglas Vogt has discovered a 12,068-year solar cycle, which he believes will climax with a civilization-ending cataclysm in 2046. He says the sun will nova, ejecting a dust cloud outwards into the solar system.
Then, will the earth survive in 2045?
The Earth Will be Uninhabitable by 2045

In 2045, it's likely that most humans will be unable to live anything like the lives we live today, a far cry from what life used to be just a few decades ago.

What will be the world in 2100?

Based on this, the UN Population Division projects the world population, which is 7.8 billion as of 2020, to level out around 2100 at 10.9 billion (the median line), assuming a continuing decrease in the global average fertility rate from 2.5 births per woman during the 2015–2020 period to 1.9 in 2095–2100, according

By Disario Weghorst

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