Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an inspiration! She talked about her new book and performed pieces of music and spoken word with video accompaniment - taking us through the decades of her collaborations with William Burroughs, her installation art with a prisoner in Guantanamo, her cloned male counterpart, her virtual reality project, a Tai Chi demonstsration, and so much more! Laurie is poised and hilarious and unexpected all at once. I recommend any artist of any medium to watch this inspirational show. She lives and breathes her art and eloquently describes her experience.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this is just a taste of the stories from the book " All the things I lost in the flood" with a little of the music from the new CD "Landfall" released the morning after Feb 17th. as a 40+ years fan, this is as inspiring as always, taking you to different and new leves of your own thought processing about life's everyday happenings. so for someone that is new to it , it may be overwhelming to grasp at first, but it is definitely a mind opener. other then that i been listening to the new CD with Kronos Quartet that has parts from the book , introduced in the show,and it is purely amazing.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been following Laurie Anderson for 30 years. Such a wise, funny, and profoundly creative performer. This show was more casual than some, which didn't make it any less enjoyable. A look back over her magnificent career along with recent work. All in the glorious space that is the Town Hall. A wonderful night.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
Roshell Anderson :: Another Bad Creation :: Apollo Smile :: Joan Armatrading :: Jon Anderson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My son requested, for his thirteenth birthday, to attend the Laurie Anderson event that had been scheduled for his natal day. What better means to introduce the complexity of Love and Death to this nascent adult? How splendid to share his gift as a family, hypnotized and buffeted by Laurie's swirling stories and empathic imagination? When all was done he looked at me and said, "That sure didn't feel like 90 minutes." Can I offer any better endorsement than a young man's wish the show had gone longer? Laurie Anderson demonstrated to my son that the administration of technology in the service of episodic poetry can fuse the ancient and the contemporary. It gave him something to ponder, and to savor, and to exploit in his dreams of the future.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is rare to find a artist that invents her own instruments. Laurie defined performance art back in the eighties, and she still continues to impress me. Dirtday was a minimalist show by comparison. Gone were the dances, video and ensemble. Just Laurie, her instruments and a small screen. She gave us stories made up of music and words from her heart. And she touched my heart with her moving performance.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show was outstanding. My only disappointment was that there was a very stern suit at the backstage door who told us firmly that she would not do any signings. My son might be her greatest fan and had brought one of her vintage albums, hoping for an autograph. I think artists should always pay attention to their fans so that was a downer end to an otherwise great evening.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Oh sure she read, but her performance was mesmerizing -- even with the poor acoustics. The problem was not just the ushers seating people throughout the performance, but the audience was filled with people who continually checked their cell phones for important texts (I assume) and the topper was a couple of UCLA girls who talked throughout the show and used the excuse that they needed to "take notes" on the performance for a class. UCLA both needs to increase the professionalism of their staff and ask the audience to please put their cell phones away for the entire 90 minutes. And professors, please don't subject a paying audience to your uninterested sorority girls... they have YouTube videos to make.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
First of all, the ushers at Royce Hall allowed over a 30 minute late seating period--and I'm not talking about seating in the back of the hall. Ushers were escorting people down to the front of the venue with flashlights, no less, all during the first THREE numbers! SO RUDE--that set the tone for the lack of professionalism we saw during the whole performance. Ms. Anderson missed notes, was often flat in her playing, misspoke, and actually READ one portion of her performance off of what looked like a crumpled set of papers stapled together. I had seen Laurie Anderson several years ago, as had my husband, and we considered ourselves BIG FANS, but this performance was PATHETIC. Some good ideas, but completely unformed to any degree, and frankly, just very boring visuals. I doubt we would ever go to another performance by her, yes it was THAT BAD.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The performance started late -- ten minutes or so, maybe more. On top of that breach, the management continued seating people after the performance had begun, which was annoying and distracting. My hunch is that if Yo Yo Ma had been performing one of the Bach cello suites that late comers would not have been admitted. The vocal acoustics were poor. I was unable to understand Ms. Anderson at least 50% of the time. Leaving Royce Hall my wife and I heard five or six groups of people expressing the same complaint. Two women in their 20s asked us if we'd had the same problems understanding the vocal element that they had experienced.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Performance art, cutting edge music, philosophical commentary,mesmerizing storytelling. Support an extraordinary artist while enjoying an incredible 90 minutes.
Royce Hall - UCLA Live - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 21, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sound system at Royce Hall was not up to par for her type of event. Clairty was lost in the big room ....... sound technology in bldg. is not up to 21st century standards......aged amps microphones, etc. Either that or the sound engineer could not capture Anderson's uniqueness.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whatever you do make sure you see Laurie Anderson at town hall before you die
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have been an adoring fan of Laurie Anderson s unique work since first hearing O, Superman. The picture-sleeve 45 remains a prized possession. Over the years I have seen Ms. Anderson perform numerous times, including a lecture event at which I got to meet and chat with her. I was greatly anticipating this show at The Town Hall, amd seeing Laurie present on her long creative career, as well as exploring her new book of essays with their themes on story, language, and code. The stage was set exactly as the last time I saw her a couple of years ago. But this performance was surprisingly inconsistent. A few standouts as she stepped to the synthesized mic for her low, masculine alter-ego. Brief essays crafted and delivered meticulously. Some wonderful videos of past work. But much of the program seemed to be not fully formed or rehearsed, coming across more like an impromptu chat, than the brilliant and singular monologues we have come to know and love. Also at this show was surprise guest Chelsea Manning, who was warmly cheered and welcomed bybthencrowd. Yet Chelsea also delivered a seemingly impromptu - though powerful- commentary. At times, Laurie searched for several moments to make her computer tablet play the intended video and audio file to support her next monologue. These were awkward moments, totally unlike her typically flawless execution. In short, a surprisingly inconsistent show from this remarkable artist.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laurie Anderson's live performance is vital, galvanizing, intelligent and witty. Town Hall had just the right audience, comprising people who are like-minded. I learned so much. Thank you.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic night. Very intimate and thought provoking. There is no one like Laurie Anderson.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think I ve seen her three times before this. But not in over 20 years. Each show has been very different. This was too and it was spectacular. I love how she makes making art normal. I find that SO Inspiring. She makes me feel it s not precious or special or weird. Just normal to make art. And how she can talk w an audience like that? It was like we were hanging out in her LR and she was telling us about her new book. So intimate.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you came to the Birchmere on Saturday night to hear familiar music from Laurie Anderson's large large discography, you might of been disappointed if you didn't give her insightful monologues and amazing, beautiful duets on her electronic violin with Rubin Kodhel on cello a chance to move you.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful orchestration! All improvised! The musicians showed how well they can work together to create an entirely new piece of work on the spot. It was phenomenal! I loved every second! They had great chemistry and created a well rounded experience.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The set consisted of all new (mostly instrumental) music. I would have liked to have heard a few things from Laurie's catalogue, but it did not surprise me that she only played new songs. There was an occasional nod to the past in using some Lou Reed lyrics. The show was short, though, at just over an hour.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is one of two performances that I have walked out of in my life. While I agree there are different strokes for different folks, this was an irritating sound. Intentional or not on the part of Anderson who interjected her political thoughts throughout the performance, the constant pick, pick, picking on her strings with no attempt at melodically integrating her sound with the other two performers was irritating. When I saw the advertisement for the show it is improvisations with Anderson and McBride - there were strings - no real attention drawn to the fact there was another person playing. My thought was a jazz musician, strings - may be a nice sound to see. Instead it was very little effort to integrate the three musicians sounds with McBride doing his best to make it sound like music, melodic, integrated, harmonious - yet one musician cannot hold a trio together if the other two are going off on their own directions expecting the other two to follow. I sat there and gave it a chance, I wanted to like it. And then I left. I go to a concert to listen to sound that sounds good - this was intentionally irritating and I am irritated at the time an money I spent for an overnight trip into the city to see this.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Thu, Feb 23, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
She mostly recycled old material. Didn't play her hits-- was almost entirely spoken word performance.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Never been to a Laurie Anderson concert before, but have always wanted to. Her reputation for innovation and the avant garde proceeds her. First, she was absolutely solo which always impresses. Just her, an electronic violin, a keyboard and some lights. If you can be entertained by one person for over an hour, that's something. In total, 95% of her concert was spoken word with ethereal musical accompaniment used for melody and emotional emphasis. This disappointed me because I think she has a really beautiful singing voice and would have liked to have heard more of that. The concert was a patchwork of unrelated narratives placing her character in the middle of obscure situations and witness to strange incidents. Some stories were enchanting and thought provoking, and some were down right boring. The plus side is, I was entertained 75% of the time, partially by the music and her narratives, but mostly wondering where all this would lead. Overall I'm glad that I went and had a chance to experience her performance, but I doubt I'd go again.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great performance! stunning story telling with music.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible storyteller. Captivating, funny, poignant. New music traditions with gutsy, iconoclastic, AND respectful viewpoint. What a legend. Sat in front row because arrived early in a first-come first-serve seating arrangement. Had dinner at the place- broiled fish. Was ok and worth it to get the front row seating for sure. Brava Laurie and Bravo Birchmere for bringing in such a legend.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Laurie Anderson! This performance was very different but awesome. This was my first time seeing the Kronos Quartet. They were the perfect accompaniment for Laurie Anderson!
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the 3rd time we've seen Laurie Anderson in one of her UCLA performances. This time around included something different, a production composed for her + Kronos Quartet. The music, the subtleties and the overall art were as usual spot-on, another great show. There is nothing else out there in music that compares to what Laurie does, she's a musical treasure.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
After seeing Laurie Anderson in the late 1980 s I made the erroneous assumption this show would be just as innovative and fulfilling as her past shows, however, the show seemed to be egregious and self important. There seemed to be no meaning, difficult to tie it to Hurricane Sandy and at times frustrating. At one point I even fell asleep. The Kronos Quartet played with precision and familiarity but after awhile that wasn't enough to satisfy my desire for a show that offered a sense of fulfillment and entertainment. Pretty sure Laurie s violin was out of tune as well. As the show came to a close my mate and I looked at each other with the same facial expression inferring that s it?
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've seen Laurie perform a handful of times. Although this was not my favorite collection of work by her, she still manages to bring new perspectives into her work while maintaining her own distinctive style. I have been a big fan since Home of the Brave and took true delight in hearing her work through the layered strings and playing of Kronos Quartet. . The subtlety of what makes Laurie, Laurie cut through beautifully. There was a bit less of Laurie's cutting edge humor in this collection but in light of her recent personal loss it is good to see her on stage performing and smiling.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tried to explain what I experienced that night to my friends. Impossible. Stimulates all your senses
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great contemporary 20th century music concert! Kronos sounded great. Great venue. Great crowd.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've attended as many Kronos concerts as I could since the mid-1980s. Always wanted to see Laurie Anderson, just as the program said Kronos had wanted for a long time to work with her. Seeing them together was meeting a vigorous synergy head on.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The synthesis of Laurie Anderson's creative power and Kronos' interpretive mastery gave us a truly unforgettable evening. I will remember this event as one of the highlights of my theater experience.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laurie Anderson crafted her own way and mastered it to perfection. A real inspiration!
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Disappointing compared to Laurie Anderson's and Kronos' earlier works and could have been longer with an intermission.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am a long time Laurie Anderson fan so of course I was in heaven during this amazing performance. My husband, on the other hand, has always said that he just does not "get" her or her performance art, but he too really enjoyed the performance, particularly the outstanding and creative musicians that comprise the Kronos Quartet. Portions of the piece were so melancholy and moving and other parts got me thinking or chuckling -- vintage Laurie Anderson.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Laurie Anderson is aiming for a different aesthetic. The music is only part of the show. The lighting and text effects, plus the narration are dramatic and effective. The variation is provided by the interplay of the music, lighting, text on the screen, and voice over. The show succeeds in establishing its unique aesthetic, but I desire to experience that "mood" for only an hour at most. The opening first half hour had some interesting string music that seemed to be going somewhere. But after that much (not all) of the music is based upon underlying ostinatos of short repetitive sequences that rock gently between two chords. Did not hear a lot of motivic or thematic development, or even a single recognizable V7 - I resolution. The musical devices used to build excitement were limited to playing more notes per measure, string harmonics, crescendo decrescendo. All the players were very skillful. The viola is featured on many tunes. I credit Laurie Anderson with combining different audio/visual elements in a unique way, and with successfully creating a hypnotic "ambient" experience, but I find the "mood" not worthy of an 1:45hr show. I simply do not wish to feel one feeling for that long. NOTE: mine is decidedly the minority opinion. The performance received an extended enthusiastic standing ovation.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laurie Anderson and Kronos Quartet are a brilliant match up.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though I had seen Laurie Anderson perform twice before, I had no idea what to expect on this night. I was simply blown away! If you ever have the chance to see her, preferably with Kronos, but even without, GO GO GO! You'll thank me!!
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a treat; totally enjoyed the musical journey of hearing colors and seeing pictures/words.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mesmerizing and moving. Hope that it was being videotaped, or will be in the future.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laurie + Kronos is hard to beat! Great show. Ticketmaster said my review was too short so let me repeat that - Laurie + Kronos is hard to beat. Great show.
Royce Hall - UCLA - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
[Temporary disabled]Laurie Anderson needs your feedback
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