
Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been to a LOT of shows in my life, but none have ever been so full of depth and incredible feeling like this one was. Every musician played off, with, and for each other, and all the time Yamantaka encouraged them with his powerful cries. The whole show was so perfectly communicative, and surpassed all conventions of musical performance. Absolutely amazing.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
me and my friends were all like "Definately on my top 3 concerts, definately man." "Dude!" and i replied, "Yea definately!" and everyone else was like "ya" "ya" "ya" i wanted them to go to 99 minutes soo bad! they stopped at 90 minutes, and of course i was incredibly satisfied, but i was like 10 MINUTES MORE PLEEEAAASE!! it was really incredible, i was smiling the entire show!
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Though smaller in scale, possibly better musically than the Boadrum of the last two years. Rather than one long piece, this performance was broken into smaller, more discrete units, which on the whole were more fluidly dynamic and propulsive than their longer-form counterparts. Some sections incorporated some pretty fantastic but classic fuzz guitar rock and ended up sounding like something that would appeal to Oneida fans (even more than Boredoms usually do). They complied with the request for an encore, and delivered the equivalent of an audio after-dinner mint in the form of a light, ear-tickling piece using solely the clicks of drumsticks against each other and the sides of the drums with some cymbal work. No kick or snare and much less thunderous than what came before. Perfect way to end it.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a very exciting show. I wish they were 99 people playing drums. but 9 drums were still amazing.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
...make for one of the best live show experience, like, ever. It was one solid 99-minute sonic percussive blissed-out dream assault. Beautiful, funny, stunning. Great great show. Many many drums.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was one of the best Boredoms shows I have seen (five so far). They are best in a smaller venue and the use of the nine drummers was amazing. The players were so in synch and the effective of the additional drummers was dramatic. They played new material as well which also added to the sense of something fresh and exciting.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Boredoms offer an event that is just unforgettable. Putting words onto the event does it no justice. In an ensemble of nine drummers carrying a pulsing beat throughout, the incredible voice of Yamantaka Eye, the seven-neck guitar, and the controlled chaos of their sound, the Boredoms give a concert like no other. It was, in so many words, a religious experience. However, the concert is not for the faint of heart. It is a very loud concert and it isn't Belle & Sebastian strumming to an acoustic vibe. Because half the beauty of the concert lies in the chaotic noise of everyone on stage and the endurance of a non-stop one-n-a-half hour long concert, some of the audience actually filtered out to the bathrooms mid-show. If there is one concert you could go to this year, go see the Boredoms.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
always evolving, always new, and innovative. boredoms are still the avant garde.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like seeing Bob Marley lead Can with nine Jaki Liebezeits.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Wed, Sep 9, 2009
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