David Bowie

David Bowie

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have to admit that I never had a chance to enjoy seeing Mr. Bowie in concert. That said, I have nearly always been able to enjoy his music prior to the start of several shows. His music is a staple of many venues to play as a "warm up". May you rest in peace David Bowie, What a legend god has added to heaven. :)
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Bowie is just AWESOME! My mother would love to see him live. I would purchase a ticket for my mom and I to see David Bowie in any state that he puts on a show.
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love you sooo much please come to Massachusetts. I need to see you and I have seen all your movies and I know almost all your song. I would love to see you. my favorite movie is Labyrinth and I know every word to it. I have your very first album on record :D
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
Paul Brady :: Billy Bragg :: Breathe :: James Brown :: Boredoms
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Bowie is " THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME ". I own EVERY cd that i have ever seen,. including "TIN MACHINE" . And most of his movies. i even have the TV series he was in. I also have all available stuff that I have found from the 60's. It is kinda dorky at first, ( sorry David ) but if your a true bowie fan, it grows on you. " Bowie at the Beeb" is my favorite CD from then. Have gone to every concert that was able to get to at the time. His shows are always SPECTACULAR. I hope that he comes close at least one more time, before he retires. I even named my son Jon David,...lol.
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sure hope the rumors are true! He will turn out an EPIC show! Finger crossed... :)
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bowie is a one of a kind artist. Few people will ever be compared to him. Only Micheal and and a few others could reach his overall career. I have seen Bowie five times. the Glass Spider Tour in Tampa, a very special show in Orlando a few year later where he opened with Space Oddity, the with Trent Reznor in Pittsburgh. I was able to see Mr. bowie in Cleveland for the Reality tour and then again in Pittsburgh at a very intimate show of the Reality Tour at the former Stanley Theater. I am blessed to see this ultra special person sing 5 times. We all are lucky to live at a time when we may have a chance to see him again.His voice was still great at the Reality tour. One more tour Dave, please
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of my favorite shows of all times (and I've seen some greats). Hope to see him again and take my son. We just went to see Roger Waters and blew his young mind (mom's still got a few tricks) Not sure when I saw Bowie last....86 - 88 with Adrian Belew - whom I also love. It was fantastic...other worldly ...amazing....beautiful....mind blowing.... loveness. I adore him. His music is one of those gifts that makes life worth living...like a spectacular sunset.
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David I miss you! Come to Arkansas! I am too young to remember the "golden years", but I still long that song! I miss you! Come back! It is such a pity, such a pity! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I came to love david bowie on my own and my parents where thrilled when they found out . they loved david bowie my mom and I want to go to one of his concerts and im sad to find he is not cureently performing I rilly rilly hope he tourse at least one more time in the USA I would sell my soul to get to see him.
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw him awhile back in 2002 and he was awesome... I wish he would come back on tour with i love all access greet and meet because I just love him so much.
Deer Creek - ?, GA - 05/12/2002
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