Mario Frangoulis

Mario Frangoulis

Superstar tenor Mario Frangoulis makes his eagerly anticipated debut appearance in Melbourne with a spectacular concert in the Hamer Hall. One of the world’s greatest classical crossover artists will perform a thrilling program of popular opera and broadway hits, as well as greatly loved songs of his native Greece. Discovered by famed impresario Cameron Mackintosh, who cast him in the role of Marius in the West End production of Les Misérables, Mario was also invited by Andrew Lloyd Webber to play the role of Raoul in Phantom of the Opera to huge critical acclaim. He has also excelled as a recording artist selling over 1 million records worldwide.

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
very good show overall ! Artist did quite a mix for everyone, any age, any background to enjoy. Extreme talent, Frangoulis & his Orchestra. This show also featured the PAC childrens choir in a few pieces that were amazing. Excellent value as well.
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing voice!!!!!! You will listen him again and again!!! I wish, he will have bigger orchestra.
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing! He is incredible, kind, his voice is the best!
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
The Grass Roots :: The Grateful Dead :: Grave :: The Great Plains :: Gone
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This concert was a pleasant experience but not memorable. Sadly, the set list and choice of songs did not reflect an experience with an international performer. We would have preferred more selections in Greek, Spanish and/or other languages rather than the standard American Christmas songs. The children's chorus was interesting but given too much time. Most of the time they looked shell shocked.
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mario Frangoulis first came to my attention when I was randomly listening to unknown artists (to me) at Borders one day in the early 2000's. His beautiful, yet powerful voice knocked me out. I bought his, "Sometimes I Dream" CD and brought it home to share with my wife. She fell in love too. Of course his looks didn't hurt to capture her imagination as well. I was especially taken with his rendition of Nights in White Satin. I've been a fan of the Moody Blues and that song since high school. Sat. night, Mario was in fine form and sang a few key songs that we longed for--and sang them gorgeously. What surprised me was his fixation on "self-esteem/we are the world sentiments" in song choices and audience chat. For me his charm was his romantic ballads in Romance languages--not this "save the children" messaging. Maybe I wasn't prepared for where he has steered his career in the last decade. Oh well, at least I got my Notte de Luce!
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very different and very entertaining! I would definitely see the same concert again.
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mario was amazing. He can really sing. I'd see him again in a heart beat. I wouldn't have known about him if he hadn't been on free tv with his show. The people who were his guest were really wonderful too espically George B. They were very good together when they sang comlimented each other, they blended well and were a strong presents. Over all the best! I was not Greek and it made no difference, or that he sang in different languages. Loved Geroges French songs. Alot of late people showing up way after show had started. I think they should have to wait until Mario finished his song. It's being rude to him and the people who paid good money for their tickets. It's not his fault they are late. Also there was no statement before the show to turn off cells and no pictures, so stupid people think they can get away with it. Whats wrong with people today? It's just common sense. Some people have to wreck it for all. MARIO YOUR THE BEST! Good luck to you and thanks for a great concert.
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
We live 65 miles away from Pasadena so we were looking forward to a full Saturday afternoon of dining and attending a concert that would be memorable. We had never attended The Pasadena Civic Auditorium so we were not sure what to expect. What a great disappointment. Management seemed to be on par with a local discount movie theatre, not a live performance venue. To start, we were directed to the wrong isle entrance for seats that included an isle seat. Second, no flashing lights and no management effort to get people seated before the concert started. I estimate 30% of the audiences was seated after the concert had started. Third, no management announcement or enforcement of no recording or flash photography during the concert. At one point, I counted over 35 bright screen devices recording the concert and disrupting your enjoyment of the concert with blinding screens. I finely called over a usher asking why they allow recordings of live events. Usher response was they don't. Conversation continued with than why was no announcement made and why can I see a multitude of bright screens that are obviously proof that recordings are being made and are also disruptive to the viewing of the concert, with management not doing anything. Response was that they are too busy seating people. (attendance was at 50% at best, I hate to see how they deal with a full hall). Eventually, the oldest member of the staff began to take it upon his self to start telling people to stop recording. Other members of the staff just walked by multiple times without saying a word. With this poor level of management, combined with terrible acoustics, continued blinding iPhone screens, we left during intermission. We will never return to The Pasadena Civic Auditorium again. For the concert first half, everything was black including all the performers outfits. No staging, no effort at creating a performance, not up to Los Angeles standards of a live performance.We will give Mario a second chance if he has a concert at a respectable venue. The evening was not a complete waste, we had what was one of the most delightful dining experiences of all times at Maison Akira in Pasadena. Any restaurant that is so good, you do not care about a terrible concert is worth the visit.
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There is no disappointment attending this concert. Started on time, sang all of the songs his audience were expecting and in great form..
The Pasadena Civic - Pasadena, CA - Sat, May 11, 2013
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