Yusuf / Cat Stevens

Yusuf / Cat Stevens

Yusuf, popularly known as Cat Stevens, one of the best-selling singer-songwriters in history, is back on tour again, mixing evergreen hits, such as "Wide World," "Morning Has Broken" and "Moonshadow," with powerful new songs for the new millennium. In concert, his ringing voice radiates serenity, infusing his thrilled audiences with a brightening glow. His 2009 album tour for "Roadsinger" included acclaimed TV appearances with Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert. In 2010, he rocked in Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, and his long-awaited European tour in 2011 packed concert arenas in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria and Belgium.

Yusuf / Cat Stevens Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second time I have seen Cat Stevens in concert. (And I am only in my 30s.) He is amazing. He sounds as he always has, but him playing the acoustic guitar and singing is a simple reminder of what an amazing musician he is. He discussed the decisions he made, being banned from the U.S., and deciding to come back to music, his love. He is an amazing person who not only speaks and sings of peace, but lives it. I think he is an amazing person who is a positive example for people of all walks of life.
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been a Cat Stevens fan since 1974; I had posters that I kissed goodnight, and I was going to marry him because that's how 14-year-old dreamed back then. Needless to say, I was excited to see my teenage crush live and in person, and I was NOT disappointed. His voice is so beautiful and pure. The lighthearted, humorous style in his storytelling set just the right tone to weave a beautiful tapestry of his life in music. This was the best concert / show that I've ever seen. I didn't want it to end.
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat stevens was amazing....I've loved him since age 12 never thought I would get to see him live after his 30 year hiatus...I was not disappointed....hope he doesn't wait another 30, because I would DEFINITELY SEE HIM AGAIN ✌✌✌
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
Cut Copy :: Countess Vaughn :: Nashville Ballet :: Future Islands :: Kelly Clarkson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Was an amazing show, hard to believe he has not toured since 1976. Sounded amazing! Welcome Back!!
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well worth the 38 year wait. Best show we have seen in a while.
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was the best concert we ever attended! Welcome back Cat!!! He sounds better now than he did forty years ago. The back-up band was excellent but I missed the female backup vocalists he had on the Magikat tour. He HAS to make a dvd of this tour and I hope he will be touring the US again soon. It brought us back to the 70's!!!! Thanks a lot.
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Steven's sounded as good as every record of his I ever played. I finally got the chance to see him after all these years. I was 15 years old when I started listening to his albums and I was not old enough to be able to see him in concert when he last preformed. I an SO HAPPY he finally changed his mind about preforming and bringing joy to the World through his music once again. His music was a calming influence on my early teenage years and hearing him and seeing him in person meant the world to me. THANK YOU YUSUF for being Cat Stevens again!
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The man is amazing. Everyone had fun. Maybe he will come back to Philly
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Much could be improved on the big line to get tickets checked and through security (literally the line was more than a quarter mile long) - Cat delayed the start of the show to accommodate it. But that did not diminish the show, Great songs, excellent band and Cat/Yusuf was in great form. The mix of songs was some new, many of the classics and a cover too. The crowd was wonderful, and was a mix of young and old.
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once we made it inside we were treated to an amazing performance by Cat Stevens. I never thought I would get a chance to see him perform live and finally he has decided to play some live shows again. Two sets, 28 songs, and a show I will never forget. If he decides to do more shows I highly recommend seeing him.
Tower Theatre - Upper Darby, PA - Thu, Dec 4, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Music was great, exciting to hear that voice again. While I'm sure scalping was reduced, the ticketing and check-in process was abysmal. It greatly impacted my overall concert going experience, especially in the cold winter climate of Toronto. I don't think the imposition was worth it-in my humble opinion.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After waiting an hour in the cold long line of ticket holders, I was just glad to be inside Massey Hall. I didn't realize how glad until Cat Stevens walked on stage in front of a theatrical set made to look like a dilapidated train station in a prairie town (called Toronto apparently) and began to sing. Hearing that voice live for the first time almost brought me to tears. It hadn't changed in 37 years, unlike most of his contemporaries from that era. Starting at 8:30, he played for an hour with a fantastic back up band, including the amazing Alun Davis from all those original albums on guitar, and then took a 15 minute intermission, before returning at 9:45 for a set that ended at 11:30. It was many old and some of the new songs from his new record. All glorious, interspersed with patter of great warmth and humour. He's mellowed and yet retained all his musicianship from those fantastic early records. And that voice. That amazing voice.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unbelievable. Getting to see him perform is truly a special moment in my life. His voice has only gotten better over the years and the amount of songs he performed was well worth the long cold wait in line. That being said, I really do think Ticketmaster/Massey Hall NEEDS to improve their process for getting tickets holders into the venue. It was quite the nightmare.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
On Saturday evening, September 17, 2016, I attended the Cat Stevens concert at the Wang Theatre in Boston. I had seen Cat Stevens once, previously, in the same venue, on December 7, 2014, nearly two years ago. That was a profound experience for me, then, attending with a dear friend and getting to sit in what was, by default, the front row (there was a row of security staff between us and the stage, then). By attending as many concerts, and by so many diverse performers, as I have these past few years, I have come to classify quality performers into three groups: a) Gifted Entertainers b) Gifted Musicians c) Inspired Human Beings who as Gifted Entertainers and Gifted Musicians deeply and profoundly rouse our souls. While I have only been interested in attending performances by performers in Category (a)-Gifted Entertainers-once, and have been interested in attending performances by performers in Category (b)-Gifted Musicians-more than once, but not too often, I would eagerly attend performances by performers in Category (c)-Inspired Human Beings who as Gifted Entertainers and Gifted Musicians deeply and profoundly rouse our souls-weekly, if not daily. Such performers are truly balm for our weary souls. Some musicians who, for me, in concert, have seemed to be Inspired Human Beings who as Gifted Entertainers and Gifted Musicians deeply and profoundly rouse our souls have included Aretha Franklin, Van Morrison, Ringo Starr, Stevie Wonder, Jon Anderson (the former Yes vocalist, as a solo performer), the late Cesaria Evora (a Cape Verdean musician who was the winner of the 2004 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary World Music Album-Voz d'Amor), John Gorka (a folk-singer), and Cat Stevens. On Saturday evening, September 17, 2016, in Boston, at the Wang Theatre, in Boston, I entered the venue tired from an especially challenging work week as a Professional Counselor, tired from dealing with the relentless aggressiveness of Boston drivers, tired from the shallow divisions of Americans encouraged by the Republican candidate for President of the United States of America, and tired from sundry personal challenges. Within moments of his exhaling his first musical sounds, my weary soul that I had brought him that night began to be roused by Cat Stevens. This time around Cat Stevens hinted that he has been writing a memoir of his musical life. Cat Stevens seemed to lift this night's performance from that memoir. Cat Stevens told stories and shared songs that documented his musical life story, identifying key turns in his musical career. Thankfully, I had listened to the Cat Stevens CD "Catch Bull at Four" earlier in the day of this performance, as there are so many 'buried' Cat Stevens gems there that receive scant attention on the air (FM radio) given the incredible richness of his two prior CD's, "Teaser and the Firecat" and "Tea for the Tillerman." The two "Catch Bull at Four" 'buried' gems that Cat Stevens performed on Saturday September 17, 2016, at the Wang Theatre, in Boston, were "The Boy with a Moon & Star On His Head," and "Angelsea." The latter has a chorus of mystical sounding words which are not on the lyric sheet in "Catch Bull at Four." On the Internet, there is some discussion, but there are no definite conclusions, regarding the nature of the lyrics to that chorus. By the end of this Cat Stevens performance, my weary soul had felt fully restored. I have never seen an audience as enthusiastic as the one at this performance. At the show's end, Cat Stevens mentioned his special affinity for Boston. It seems clear that that love is mutual.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautiful message through Cat's beautiful music for a perfect! beautiful night of unforgettable memories. Celebrated 28yr of marriage while celebrating a night of peace.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Husband and I enjoyed his storytelling format. I came away with a little bit better idea of who he is.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the most engaging concerts I have been to in a long time.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There was a magical collective consciousness shared by the audience and driven by that special man that we all know as Cat! His voice was as clear and strong and unique as it has always been. So happy I was there to experience it!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Stevens was amazing and his vocals great. His songs will never be forgotten.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yusuf was amazing. Two full sets of classic songs and stories from his youth. Not a single unhappy person in the audience. Still sounds amazing after 50 years.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was nice to see a superstar back in tour. We missed him. Not too many singers are left like him. Welcome Back.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great storyteller! His voice hasn't changed a bit. The show was beautiful. My daughter and I loved every minute of it. Top 5 live musical experiences easily, and I've been to hundreds of shows. Would love to see him again.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Emotional, spiritual, interesting,fun and engaging. True fans attended and showed their enthusiasm. Great stories. Amazing evening Best concert
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat was even more amazing this year at the Pantages than last year at Nokia! This concert was up close and personal. Any seat in the house was good.... I recommend the end seat on the isle of one of the sections farthest to the left or right. Was was most enjoyable was Cat Stevens talking about his life and what prompted the writing of his music. Loved this concert and I hope for more!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply amazing. The show, the venue, the music, the crowd, everything
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was a time warp for me. Cat's voice was so sweet and touching just like it was so many years ago. He shared so much of his life story with the audience. I really felt like he was talking just to me! If you have the opportunity to see him in person don't pass it up!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Best set list ever. Best story teller ever. Yusuf's voice continues to lift us up into a world of peace and spiritual journey. Best Set list ever. Longest encore ever. I've waited since 1972 to see him. It was worth the wait.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There was a general feelng of love, peace and happines in concert hall. In these current time where the is a lot of hate, it feels like being in heaven
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was one of the best concerts ever. He was awesome. I think everyone was awestruck by him. A standing ovation just for walking on stage. He was loved and surely missed. Given the opportunity I would without a doubt attend another concert by him.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seeing Cat Stevens and hearing the old tunes was fabulous. Also learning about his life journey and how he returned to the stage.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was not another aging rocker dribbling out old greats with a weaker voice and depleted passion. This poet is timeless in his skills and brilliance. We loved it and were truly touched by what he shared and the bits of background and personal anecdotes that were bequeathed to the audience. We wish the line weren't so long to get in, but hopefully they worked that out on the second night!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's everything you would want from a Yusuf/Cat Stevens concert, and a little bit more. Very sweet.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went both nights. Two magical nights of music! I loved how it was "autobiographical". I am so grateful to his son, "who brought the guitar back into the house". He played for 2 hours. The world needs his music, now more than ever! Can't wait for when he returns...again!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been waiting 40 Years to see Cat Stevens in concert (My parents wouldn't let me go in 1976 and my ex-girlfriend wouldn't let me go 2 years ago)...anyway,..it wasn't the highly energized Cat of the 70's, but it was still Fantastic...he steered away from many of the "High" notes but it sounded really good..I would have preferred a larger band than 3, but they pulled it off well...I was glad he included early songs from 1966-67.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Over-the-top, magically engaging, musically enthralling! It was a lifetime opportunity and will go down in this old girl's record book as one of the best, if not the best show ever. I was captivated by Cat Stevens' striking presence while he intimately shared details of his life with sincerity and a clever sense of humor, leaving inspiring messages along the way. The Pantages Theatre provided the perfect setting with great sound quality to relish in the brilliant musical performance by The Legend and his accompanying musicians. It was a big deal pulling the trigger to purchase the ticket, but in the end, I would have paid more.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been to at least a thousand shows in my 55 years, and this show is now in my top 5. Cat Stevens is such a kind and genuine soul - he moves people to make them feel and love on a level that is unworldly. His journey through life that was so sacred to him has kept us on that journey with him as anyone could tell on Friday night from the squeals of joy from the audience with every song. I feel so grateful to have had the chance to see him live - definitely a once in a lifetime experience unless you are lucky enough to see him twice. I hope he will make touring an annual event so we can all feel the blessing and joy he brings through his music.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
His songs are a combination of poetry and pop/folk music. His voice has aged beautifully, and his concert was one of my all-time favorites. For a man who dropped out of the limelight for nearly three decades, he sounded genuinely happy to be performing again. You could tell in the theater that Cat was a huge part of everyone's youth, and it felt like a big thank-you from all of us to him. It was more than a concert, it was his life story in words and music. I'll be forever grateful to him for allowing us into his life for just under three hours.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have loved CAT Stevens since I was a teen. I waited 40 years to see him. WOW was he great. The two musicians on stage with him were FANASTIC. The Stage set with a cabin , an old Victrola, a turntable and smoke coming from the cabin were stunning..- oh yes and the full moon - who designed this - It was gorgeous. His voice - great- the songs -- all his hits and some I have nevr heard- and the back up band ( 2 guys ) added so much to the musicality of the show.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hearing songs that you've known for decades, sung by Cat Stevens himself is priceless. His voice is unchanged and he has an amazing charm and connection with an audience that loves him. Highly recommend seeing him if you have the chance.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply outstanding. Not a flaw in his show and his voice was just like it sounded all those years ago! He could not have put on a better show, all the hits and some other great songs and stories of his life in music.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Stevens is living proof that clean living does the body, and more importantly here, the voice, good. Cat sounded just like "himself"- the depth and beauty of his voice is still intact. He also a wonderfully personable and charming performer and I hope that he reconsiders his retirement even further.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
His voice sounds exactly the same as 30 years ago.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a fabulous concert. Cat sounded just like he did in my youth. Trouble hitting high or low notes, but poked fun at self. Played longer than expected and a good variety of his songs, plus a couple of Beatles songs. The only drawback was getting into the concert. The metal detectors and search of attendees, meant that a lot of people were in line (Disneyland style) when concert was supposed to start. Start was postponed for 30 minutes.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The concert itself was fantastic! Yusuf/Cat's voice sounds exactly as it did as a young Cat Stevens. The stage presentation and the addition of the two other musicians made the show even more enjoyable. He played most every Cat Stevens tune you would want a hear and it was a nice long set. Musically, the show was amazing. On the downside, the tickets situation which created such chaos and incredibly long lines was beyond ridiculous and postponed the show for one half hour. I understand that it was the artist's decision to function the ticket process to avoid scalping. However, he is not running the venue and the Pantages should NEVER agree to this type of arrangement again. In this day and age, you need to put tickets in the hands of the buyer prior to the event, especially with the incredibly high cost of the tickets. Need to find another way to avoid scalping. I love the Pantages, great sound, intimate venue. However, I will NEVER attend another concert with the type of ticket policy used for this event.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a wonderful evening. A Cat's Attic was a beautiful and intimate show, where Yousef (Cat Stevens) took us through his life and career, with songs, stories, a little humor and a message of peace and acceptance. The set was beautiful and whimsical, the songs were thoughtfully chosen, and the music was unparalleled. This really is a once in a lifetime performance to see.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show, excellent story teller, a little preachy but he has earned that right.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I could not have asked for better seats, 4th row center and it was well worth the cost. It is the most I have ever paid for concert tickets, and I go to a lot, but if you are a Yusuf/Cat fan, it is well worth the price. His voice is still amazing, his relaxed stage presence is very mellow and I loved hearing his story this time. I had some of the same experiences in life and it felt like a kindred was on stage. I will always enjoy the concerts that are very personable over the flashy, special effects ones. The stage makes it like you are in his home and just listening to a great story teller. If he keeps touring, I will keep going, as I just love the warm and fuzzy feeling during and after his show.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How Can I Tell You?! This concert event was the most magical experience that I have ever had. His voice and his music---> pure heavenly. His accompanists were energetic and wonderful. The "Cat's Attic" props were beautiful! And the audience was unanimously happy. People lingered after the show and spoke with each other.... complete gracious strangers who came in from different parts of the country. If you could power batteries with people's energy you would have had forever lasting batteries, (just from that night). It was an event like no other! I am also incredibly grateful that it was a ticketless concert (purchaser had to provide id & credit card to enter). It made it virtually impossible for greedy scalpers to buy up all the tickets. Everyone who came was a true fan and all the proceeds benefited the artists & venue (not some outside 3rd party to shut fans out during ticket sales and then tripling prices for their own profit). So thank you for that!! The venue looked completely sold out and everyone there was so incredibly happy! I think that every single one of us all left there on cloud nine ...and we'll never be the same ever again.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This my second CS concert and I loved better than the first one because the sound at the Oriental Therater was superior, he seemed more relaxed and having fun with the crowd. He played one of my favorites;" Boy with Moon and Star on His Head". I believe that he is the best poet:song writer/singer of my generation. I'm sorry he was persecuted for his faith and we lost 27 years of his brilliance.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing show! Yusuf talked the audience through his career and sounded perfect.
Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN - Tue, Sep 27, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yusuf/Cat Stevens, an iconic performer and humanitarian, was simply awesome. Tracing his musical roots from the Beatles through his most popular hits was tremendous. An inspiring concert and individual. First saw him in 1974 and then in 2014 and 2016.
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing show we witnessed. There was not a song missing that we could think of that should've been played. If you were there, you know what I mean. If you missed this show, may I suggest you get to one. Great story-teller, artist, performer. Thanks for an unforgettable show. Days later, and I'm still humming/singing songs.
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Stevens was awesome....... Took us back to the 70's with his lp's, wonderful guitar playing, trio of instruments, his voice....... songs....... totally WONDERFUL CONCERT!
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What can you say about a performer who tours as frequently as a comet orbits? Yusuf (Cat Stevens) did not disappoint, playing crowd favorites that are the soundtrack to many people s childhoods. His voice is still as crisp as it sounds in recordings and his stage presence is of a man humbled by the love that he receives from the audience. His backup performers also added a nice element allowing for familiar harmonies and some additional guitar and bass. Yusuf s anecdotes were very revealing about his life and himself and the only faith-based proselytizing that he spoke of was love and peace. He even went as far to quote a Disney character about tolerance and living in harmony. His staging was simple and a mock-up of his childhood home, which made for an inviting retreat for him and it allowed the audience to feel that they were invited into an intimate setting, even taking a tea break!
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The most beautiful artist around that touches your soul through song. Seeing him live brings me to tears. I love Cat Stevens. Thank you for an unforgetable night.
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such an influential and memorable component of my childhood and adolescence was the music of Cat Stevens, which I was introduced to by my father. So as a gift to him, in honor of those rich musical memories growing up, I took him as my guest to "Peace Train...Late Again" tour in Chicago. He never thought he'd get the opportunity to see Cat Stevens in concert, since he was only young and still growing up while Cat Stevens was touring in the 70s. Needless to say, catching the Peace Train in Chicago was an unexpected and highly impactful night. Yusuf/Cat Stevens' well-known rich and melodious voice was met by a roaring audience and standing ovations after every song. It was chilling to merely be in the presence of such a legend, and with a unbelievably loving and electric audience surrounding us.
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I followed the Grateful Dead, and have been to numerous other shows such as the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and many more. This was by far the best show I have ever seen followed by the dead (Sorry Jerry). It was true harmony and magical the entire time.
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a wonderful experience! Cat Stevens is just exceptional. Great songs, great sound, He played the piano too. His new songs are good, however I love the old ones. Thanks.
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was worried that 3 decades away from music may have mellowed him out a bit too much. On the contrary. CAT was eager to play and eager to satisfy the crowd. His voice was in perfect pitch and not scratchy or worn sounding.I saw him back in 1974, and he was as good as he was back then. Played a very good selection of 29 old songs, new songs, and covers. Many of the newer songs are bluesy, rock'n songs....a very nice surprise. Check out the song list on the web. Was quite a fun night. Can't wait to see him again. Oh yeah...he has one heck of a supporting band with him. These guys can rock. Tight. Nice!
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We had a spectacular time attending the cat Stevens concert at the Chicago theater on December 9, 2014 it was worth every penny and more he was amazing and his bandmates were complementary
The Chicago Theatre - Chicago, IL - Tue, Dec 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first saw Cat Stevens in 1970 opening for Traffic - which set me back - 9 miles - his voice - his music - 3 ovations - they wouldn't let him off the stage. The rest is history - then he went his own way. But rattling that music did - about 2005 - and in 2006 - he did a performance private in Britain...broadcast all over Europe. In 2008 - we had the good fortune to see him in Dublin - in what was small tour - testing the waters. 2014 - has brought us full circle - and this concert - was one of the moments - you wish you could hang on to forever. His voice has never been better - the music sounds fresh - and he's singing the blues.... We had a wondrous and magical evening - with this Majikat - that has returned. There is nothing negative to write - I wish I could live through it again. Yusuf/Cat - handling of green tickets only - kept out scalpers and the REAL FANS were in there. We had to wait for him to start - because of the lines - but that was no problem. They played his music gently...
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am 31 years old and because of my father, I have been a Cat Stevens fan my whole life. I understood the gravity of this concert and how meaningful it was to me, those in attendance, and the rest of the world. I was shaking most of the night out of pure amazement and even broke into tears at a few points. I hope this is more than a once in a lifetime opportunity, but if it is, I'm glad I got to experience it. The only complaint I have is with the ushers. They were literally walking in front of the concertgoers every 10 seconds looking for people recording. I understand they were just doing their jobs, but it was very distracting, especially when they would yell over other people during the show.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing show! If you closed your eyes you would not be able to tell it was the year 2014. You would feel like you were on his last tour 38 years ago. His voice is wonderful. His song selection was excellent. His band was very good and he can still play amazing acoustic guitar that will linger in your ear well after the show is over.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was at the top of my bucket list being that Cat Stevens is my favorite musical artist !!! It was so surreal being there and watching him perform live. Yusuf/ Cat Stevens still sounds great now as he did in the 1970's !!! I would give his concert rating a ten or more that is how much I enjoyed it !!! Best concert, loved it !!!
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Every song received a well deserved standing ovation. I saw Cat in the 70's and he was better than he was then. The backup band was absolutely well balanced. Maybe on purpose a little heavy on the base. A directors choice I'm sure. I've been to a mass of concerts in my time and this rates in the top five without doubt.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I honor the place in you were the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of Love ~ of Light of Truth and of Peace. I honor the place in you where, if you are in that place in you And I am in that place in me, there is only one of us. That's how good it was.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No dancers, no lipsyncing, no overpowering band members --- all Yusuf/Cat Stevens. He has not lost his power over an audience. He sang all his classics and I'd say his voice has improved over the years. Keep touring, Cat, keep that Peace Train rolling!
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent performance by a legend! Yusuf did a great mix of hits, deep tracks & newer material. The acoustics were fantastic as was the band.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been a lifelong fan Cat Stevens have listen to his music for many years. It was a no-brainer when I seen his tickets come up for sale....we were going to go! And it was absolutely fantastic from start to finish\u2026 The Performance WAS about the man , his life & legacy. we were extremely blessed and got to see a lot of great shows last year this was one of the top!
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From start to finish, I was thoroughly thrilled that I was at this performance! I've been a fan since the early 70's and he lived up to my memories! Highly recommend catching his tour if you can!
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Mon, Sep 19, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had the pleasure and privilege to see Cat Stevens in 1976 at the Fabulous Forum in Inglewood. And again in December of 2014 at the Nikon Theater, then finally at the Pantages in Hollywood. At the end of each show you leave fulfilled and rewarded, Yusuf/Cat is one of the best songwriters of our generation. His music is spiritual, speaks of hope and a better place for every living thing in the world. If and when he returns we will be there.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Stevens did a fantastic job. His voice is still solid. I like that he spoke to the audience. It was great that he started from the beginning of his life. I could have stayed all night. I grew up with his music and it meant a lot to me. Having it at the Pantages with a great venue. I am glad he decided to do a concert.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am so happy I went to see Cat Stevens. He was beyond fantastic. Music was soothing, stories were great to hear and funny too!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I never thought I would be able to see him play live. It was an absolute treat. I've been listening to his music since I stole my fathers Cat Stevens Greatest hits when I was about 10 years ago.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I flew from the Dallas area to see this show, I knew it would be a one-time opportunity, and Cat has not played with in 700 miles of DFW.. at least not in the past 40 years! he delivered, 32 songs, everything you might want to hear (save for "another Saturday night, and "days of the old schoolyard).. Cat was in very good voice and form, totally met my high expectations!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heartwarming, and his voice is just as amazing as it was so many years ago, rich, deep, gravelly and oh so passionate. OMG, I love this man. He was so sweet and sensitive, and truly showed gratitude and love for his music. It was an extraordinary event to be a part of. We were also treated to tales of the evolution of his career, and just a bit about his personal journey. It seemed he was a little reticent sharing his inner journey, but the more receptive the audience was, the more forthcoming he became. It was heavenly. My goodness, his voice was as unbelievably awesome as it EVER was. I couldn't believe that so many years had passed. You would never know it by listening. There were moments I just had to close my eyes so I could fully take in that gorgeous voice, uncluttered by the sights of him, a beautiful, simple and quaint stage that reflected his boyhood home in the West end of London, and the enthralled crowds. Absolutely WONDERFUL concert!!!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was surreal to hear the legend himself singing, "The first cut is the deepest," as I've heard that song since I was a little girl. The Yusuf/Cat Stevens concert was nothing short of inspiring as Yusuf took us on a journey of his remarkable life, one that in contrast to our current self-obsessed world, was filled with questions and seeking. His musical talent beautifully compliments a beautiful soul and an intelligent mind. The acoustics were amazing and Cat's voice is still as powerful as always. This is show worth going to. You'll feel uplifted for days afterward.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I felt so luck to finally see Cat Steven's in person. He was wonderful. Love his songs love his guitar playing. Could have done w/o the bass drum (too loud), but he played many of the songs I love. I wish he played more of his later songs than some of the earlier unknowns. I would see him again. Great show. no one was supposed to be recording the show, but many kept trying w/cell phones. The ushers tried to stop them constantly. I wish people would just follow the rules. It is annoying to us to see those phone screens during show. Also, I loved the way the tickets were managed to avoid scalping. Thanks Cat!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fabulous show. Cat Stevens came into the auditorium and re-introduced himself to us. He started by walking us from his childhood working in his father's café, through his discovery of music (his sister's vinyl records) and then finally picking up a guitar and writing some of his own music such as "I Love My Dog" and "Mathew & Son". He helped us get to know the kind of person he is with his background stories and related music. We heard about his illness (TB) that gave him a chance to be introduced him to the concept of spirituality from a book his brother gave him, all the way through a near death experience off Malibu. Mr. Stevens made a pact with God and is keeping his end of the bargain. As he said at the show "I went home, picked up my guitar and knew I needed to sing". And sing he did. All of the songs we know and love...from the start of his career to cover versions of other artists. His voice was lovely, soothing, playful, and joyous. He is an emissary for peace and love. Ride on the Peace Train!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
RIght from opening with The Wind and Don't Be Shy, I knew this was going to be a special night. It was beautiful, raw, emotional and unforgettable. Over 2.5 hours, he only played one song written after 1973, so it was all about the old music.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Fri, Oct 7, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have been a Cat Stevens fan for over 40 years. I was just absolutely in awe of seeing him (again), It was a privilege being in the attic. Just a wonderful evening.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The qualities I loved about Yusuf/Cat Stevens in the 70's were still on full display at this concert. His voice sounds almost exactly as it did in his youth. He now appears to be far more comfortable with the audience. Thanks, Yusuf, for a magical evening.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Stevens played a 2 and a half hour show spanning his brilliant songs throughout his career. He was simply outstanding
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show st the beautiful Pantages Theatre was intimate and awesome. Yusuf/Cat Stevens was humorous and engaging. He told some great stories and his voice sounded great.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love his voice. His storytelling and music were exceptional as they guided us through his life from childhood through the Hippie Scene of the 60s, his Religious awakenings at different times and his return to Public life. What a wonderful meandering story, did I mention his voice? I was so engrossed by his music and show I shushed my husband several times, lol It was, quite possibly, in the top 2 of ALL shows I've ever been to. If you ever get a chance...take it.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a child of the 60's and 70's I had always promised myself that if Cat ever toured again I would try to see him and he didn't disappoint. Many of the oldsters like Stephen Stills have lost a great deal of their voices or want to play a lot of new material that none of us care about, but not Cat Stevens. He focused on all the songs that we grew up with and didn't skip any of his big hits while sounding great. Simply our favorite concert ever.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had missed a couple of Yusuf"s shows in the past. I was wiped out by his voice, which was as rich as when Stevens had left the industry almost thirty years ago. His natural, warm, storytelling style, graced with such honesty, and tight trio of musicians, created a phenomenal concert.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Stevens sounds as good as he did in the 70's. He played all of his iconic songs and some newer ones. The sound was incredible and the back up band (two musicians) were very talented. The problem with the event was te ridiculous line we had to stand in before we entered the theater. I have seen big events like Wicked at the Pantages with no problems. This was like being in line for the Matterhorn at Disneyland. As a result, we missed Cat's first song, which happened to be one of my favorites. If you are attending a play or concert at the Pantages call the box office and ask them if they intend to make patrons wait in that line. If so, FIND ANOTHER VENUE if you can.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love this man's greatest hits. These are expensive tickets, in the same ballpark as Stones, McCartney, and other greats. This was a disheartening show. Cat's vocal range has diminished, but oddly he did not use the 2 backup voices to recreate the tenor voice parts of his songs. The pace was choppy with of pattern of 1 hit followed by 2 unknown songs. The set was odd with a old cabin stage prop that was never explained. No jumbo monitor for the nose bleed seats to be able to get a look at him. The bass guitar was too hot for the first half and overwhelmed the fine acoustics of Davies Hall. After a 30 minute intermission, the bass was balanced for the second half. There were stories told of his life, but seldom did the stories actually explain the origins of the songs, so it was a lot of talk that contributed to the general choppiness of the pacing. A few times he tried to connect by saying "Hello Frisco" but that just added to this odd disengagement with the San Francisco audience who had many members shouting out, trying to connect and reassure the man it was ok, and we were rooting for him to just keep playing. Start stop start stop. Yeah I was disappointed. Annually I probably attend 35-40 concerts in various Nor Cal venues. I must have had way-too-high expectations based on ticket price, venue, and the scarcity of seeing Cat Stevens perform live. If you seldom go to pop/rock concerts, this might have been exciting for you. But compared to the current state of the art in concert touring, this night's show was lacking.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wonderful concert! yusuf/cat stevens sounds just like he did over 40 years ago. his journey of life was the theme of the concert. he played all of my favorite songs, especially from his tea for the tillerman, teaser and the firecat albums. well worth going into SF on a weekday evening.
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall - San Francisco, CA - Mon, Oct 3, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yusuf/ Cat Stevens provided us with an evening that was warm, often funny and full of great songs and stories. In great voice, we were treated to so many of his popular songs and some that happened to be very personal to me. To those of us of a certain age, Cat Stevens was important. He still is.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It hurts me to even write this review, but here we go. The acoustics for this show were terrible. Cat Stevens put on an incredible show, but there was feedback the entire time. It was so bad that I had to leave my seat multiple times to complain to the Oriental Theater ( I was not the only one). I found out from the Director of Sales for the Oriental Theater that Cat Stevens uses his own sound crew / equipment, which makes sense. Problem is, there was a high pitched squeal throughout the entire show in the upper level of the theater. During the whole performance you could see members of the sound crew scrambling trying to figure out what the issue was. The director of operations at the theater was told by members of Cat Stevens crew that it was feedback from one of his mics. With this all said, his performance was fantastic, BUT that noise ruined the entire concert, at least for me and my guest. The Oriental Theater couldn't do anything about it since it was Mr. Steven's sound crew that set everything up. I spent nearly $400 on a pair of tickets, and was extremely disappointed with the experience I received. I'm sure If Mr. Stevens is / was aware of this situation he would be very embarrassed. I've had multiple conversations with the theater he performed at, and they too were extremely disappointed with what occurred. What I thought was going to be one of the greatest concerts of my life, turned out to be the exact opposite. I've tried reaching out to Mr. Stevens, but obviously that's not an easy thing to do. Long story short, he performed very well, but ruined my experience due to the sound quality. I just hope this is not the last time I get to see him, because he is one of my favorite artists, and I don't want to remember him this way.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I saw Cat Stevens' in 2014 and did not think that he could be better in 2016, but he was! The sound and set at the Oriental Theater in Chicago was perfect. Cat's voice was perfect. The musicians he performed with were phenomenal! This goes down as my favorite show ever and I go to a lot of shows!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been a Cat Stevens fan since the early '70's. I was excited to see he was on tour and purchased 2 tickets for my wife & myself. Cat did not disappoint. I loved the show. He is one of my favorite songwriters. My wife & I are so glad we came down to Chicago to the show. Tics were a little pricey but you only live once!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cat Stevens took us though His Musical Life on Thursday night at The Pantages in LA. He used the same method that Garth Brooks did in his Vegas show. Talking and playing the music that He grew up with. Most of the same music that We grew up with (Since he was born in 1948). He even played a song off Vinyl Beatles album (to show the Kids the trouble We had to go through to hear music). He started the show off with some big hits and moved onto his musical start with a song about a Dog that was one of his first song. The crowd was mostly us Older Folks but did include some of our Children ( Where did the Children Play?? ) The show was as Lay Back as almost any show I ve ever seen. Cat made the Pantages into his Living Room Like he was playing for You and Your Friends. He told the story of his life, which was hit after hit until one day he went swimming at Malibu Beach in California. It was there that his life changed. He was swimming and got pulled out to sea. Not being a great swimmer, Cat thought He was going to Die. He told God that IF he got out safe, He would change his life. A wave pushed Cat into the shore and Cat s Life Changed. A Book that his brother gave him was to change his life. He talked about the Hate messages he got and felt for this change, but he Walked away from the Music and his old life. He was the Head of The Children s Fund for Years at the U.N. (He did NOT say this at the Concert) --- Years later his son brought a Guitar into his house. Cat picked up the guitar for the first time in years and looked at his son\u2026\u2026. The Next Song Was: If you want to Sing Out, Sing Out\u2026. If you wanna be Free, be Free at Cat was Back!!! Finished with, of course, Peace Train Amazing Show!!! Love Da Cat!!! Cat Stevens took us though His Musical Life on Thursday night at The Pantages in LA. He used the same method that Garth Brooks did in his Vegas show. Talking and playing the music that He grew up with. Most of the same music that We grew up with (Since he was born in 1948). He even played a song off Vinyl Beatles album (to show the Kids the trouble We had to go through to hear music). He started the show off with some big hits and moved onto his musical start with a song about a Dog that was one of his first song. The crowd was mostly us Older Folks but did include some of our Children ( Where did the Children Play?? ) The show was as Lay Back as almost any show I ve ever seen. Cat made the Pantages into his Living Room Like he was playing for You and Your Friends. He told the story of his life, which was hit after hit until one day he went swimming at Malibu Beach in California. It was there that his life changed. He was swimming and got pulled out to sea. Not being a great swimmer, Cat thought He was going to Die. He told God that IF he got out safe, He would change his life. A wave pushed Cat into the shore and Cat s Life Changed. A Book that his brother gave him was to change his life. He talked about the Hate messages he got and felt for this change, but he Walked away from the Music and his old life. He was the Head of The Children s Fund for Years at the U.N. (He did NOT say this at the Concert) --- Years later his son brought a Guitar into his house. Cat picked up the guitar for the first time in years and looked at his son\u2026\u2026. The Next Song Was: If you want to Sing Out, Sing Out\u2026. If you wanna be Free, be Free at Cat was Back!!! Finished with, of course, Peace Train Amazing Show!!! Love Da Cat!!!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
His voice was amazing. He was a true performer with no down side. I would love to see him again very soon!!! The the woman sitting behind us was very loud and took away from his performance. Also she tried in a very bad way to sing along with him. Very annoying!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful show that took you back to a time when it seemed dreams could come true. Especially nice to see so many parents there with their children who also grew up with cats music. An amazing evening!
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We saw him a couple years ago on his last tour, and this was a completely different experience. Very entertaining how he chronicled his life, the good and the bad, in a very humbling and humorous way, without leaving you just begging for the music. And great to watch how his Base/Keyboard player was having more fun than anyone else in the Hall! It didn't hurt sitting front row/center for the first time in my life! I think I'll watch "Harold and Maude" now.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing concert, heard most all of the classic songs woven together in a story of his life, captured all the highs, lows and searching A long time waiting to hear from one of the most talented artists of our time
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The only reason I'm not giving this concert 5 stars is the very annoying credit card entry. After a long wait to finally get to the door and swipe the credit card, getting seated was very disorganized. But the concert was just lovely. Cat Stevens told us his life story and sang great songs, mostly his own, but some covers too.
Hollywood Pantages Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Oct 6, 2016
[Temporary disabled]Yusuf / Cat Stevens needs your feedback
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