Cleveland Orchestra

Cleveland Orchestra

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent concert, unfortunately too short. Program was good. Listening an orchestra like this was a remarkable experience.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was just an amazing experience for me ! It was the first time that I attended to a concert of the Cleveland Orchestra.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Orchestra was wonderful. I am so glad that they came to EJ. The trip to Severence is a long one in the winter.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
Greensboro Symphony Orchestra :: Randy Rogers Band :: Virginia International Tattoo :: Anthony Cools :: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent performance. I could tell from the opening bars that the Cleveland Orchestra would be on their "A" game for the evening.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While I grew up in NYC and still think the New York Philharmonic is the very best there is, the Cleveland Orchestra gives it a real run for its money. Especially under the baton of Maestro Franz Welser-Möst the Orchestra reaches heights of performance rarely matched. I find that the transparency and precision of their work, along with the musicality and interpretation, always provide me with new insights and experiences even on works I've heard many times before. While E.J. Thomas cannot match Severance Hall for sheer majesty and acoustics, I have no complaints at all. And, frankly, the seating in E. J. Thomas is considerably more comfortable than at Severance. All-in-all a VERY enjoyable evening.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As someone who grew up enjoying the Looney Tunes Cartoons, it was a walk down memory lane for me. The music and humor that entertained me then is even more appreciated now considering the amount of less than wholesome programing we and our children are exposed to these days. The musical arrangement and performance was nothing but first rate as was its coordination with the cartoons on the screens. I would highly recommend this to kids of all ages (including 60 such as I). Have fun!
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Are we starved in Northeast Ohio for exquisite dance? The Joffrey Ballet joined the Cleveland Orchestra Sunday, August 23, for a memorable evening in a symbiotic performance that filled eyes with tears ( Round of Angels, Adagietto, Mahler's 5th) and hearts with shear delight and amazement (Mobile, Adagio from Khachaturian's GAYANE) . Am I gushing? The beautiful, cool night air, an enthusiastic audience, and some of the most perfect choreography paired with superior performances made my first Joffrey Ballet experience unforgettable...please come back soon and often!
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We are a family of 4- all musicians ..and this performance was the finale of our vacation together. I didn't realize the Blossom Singers were going to join the orchestra! and I am the vocalist in the family. WOW...the power.. the sound filled our hearts and bodies!! We were nourished beyond our dreams. Thank you..Our younger boy wants to attend Case Western Reserve in 2011 and this was his first time hearing the orchestra. He carried the assistant principal seat for oboe in the Youngstown Symphony Youth Orchestra last year and is hoping to minor in oboe at Case. .He is also a super fan of Star Wars and I saw tears coming down his cheeks at the finale of the concert.. 17 yrs old..Thank You..Our older son will graduate Belmont University Nashville Tenn. in Dec. with a degree in audio enginierring and a minor in percussion performance. He had a brief study with Tom Freer and it changed his entire level of understanding.. In addition, when Jack Everly spoke about scores for movies it was a great inspiration for our son as well..What a rich deposit for us all..It was SPECTACULAR!! Thank You Thank You
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
My daughter and I were looking forward to hearing the Cleveland Orchestra for the first time. While I've seen many rock bands at Blossom this was the first "acoustical" act I've seen at Blossom. The part of the show before the pianist came out sounded like a rehearsal, my opinion, and came off as a lackluster performance. There were audience members in the pavillion that either fell asleep or left during the first intermission. When the pianist was added to the performance he proved to be a welcome addition. Although people were continuing to leave my daughter and I agreed that the piano added an air of excitement, a spirited performance, which is something the audience wasn't getting from the rest of the orchestra. We enjoyed being outdoors on such a beautiful night, but the crickets drowned out the orchestras' performance at times.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The cleveland orchestra is amazing!!! What a show. this was my first time ever seeing them and it definitely will not be my last. Would recommend to anyone
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Sun, Jul 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Orchestra was top notch, on top of its game. The soloists were very talented and genuinely seemed pleased to be there. The evening weather was perfect. The only drawback were the chirping of birds during the performance. It was a distraction from an otherwise really excellent program (we sat in section 23 of the pavilion). I would recommend blossom to anyone.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Fri, Jul 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was a bit taken back by the choice of music played for this concert. This should be a joyous celebration of the founding of our country. A fun filled evening w/ tribute to our country and the freedom it holds. The music selection was sad and the commentary was sad, but...the band played wonderfully and the fireworks were fresh and delightful. But please.... Excite us,...dazzle us... 40yrs call for a new vison of what this concert could and should be.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Fri, Jul 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a nice event. Loved the picnic and fun with family on the beautiful lawn. Music was nice but wish the songs were all patriotic and recognizable marches etc., too may not in the spirit of the 4th! some boring. Fireworks were fantastic.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Fri, Jul 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The music was amazing. The little things the conductor changed last minute were amusing and added to the evening. As always the music of the Cleveland Orchestra was amazing and well done. The only downside, and I do mean the ONLY downside, was the ushers into the pavilion. We weren't told before paying extra for pavilion seating that we couldn't have food or drink in there(lawn seating was allowed, as always). But the ushers only stopped people that were younger(such as my husband and myself) or people of color(one usher stopped an Indian family after allowing a white middle aged couple to pass through with their coolers). That made us rather annoyed at the situation. Then we moved up to where the top level was of the pavilion and sat down on the stairs to quickly eat our food so we could stash the coolers and go take our seats. We were told by the usher up there we couldn't sit there to eat. So we went and sat on the grass to eat and watched as a younger couple with food sat on the steps and ate, the usher did NOT ask them to move, in fact she went over and chatted with them. Way to set an example. Next time if we go we are not paying the extra money to sit in the pavilion, we couldn't even get into it until the 3rd piece was played.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Fri, Jul 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Fourth of July Festival is the best way I know to teach children about patriotism as well as music. We started taking our childresn years ago and now I had the opportunity to bring grandchildren. The music is excellent as always so the grown ups and the kids get get a chance to reflect on what this holiday means. I would be very disappoointed if there was not this concert. The Blossom grounds lend themselves to the majesty of the concert. Thanks for a wonderful family evening.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Fri, Jul 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The fireworks at the end of the show were excellent. The show itself showed that the musicians were well skilled. I thought the concert could have been longer and the effects at the end were nice, but should have done more during the show. I also thought they could have played 2 or 3 more contemporary tunes mixed in.
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Fri, Jul 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was great. Lots of great marches, a noce tribute to a member of the orchestra that had passed away, and a great tribute to the 4th (Star Spangled Banner, Stars and Stripes Forever, 1812 Overture with cannons!). The fireworks were a great topper to a wonderfl evening!
Blossom Music Center - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Fri, Jul 3, 2009
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