Ragtime (Touring)

Ragtime (Touring)

AT THE DAWN OF A NEW CENTURY, everything is changing... and anything is possible. Direct from a sold-out extended run at the Kennedy Center, RAGTIME The Musical returns to Broadway in an acclaimed new production that’s as ravishing as it is relevant.

Ragtime (Touring) Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Despite being a fairly old show, Ragtime is still an incredible experience! The actors were fantastic, the music was great, the sets were creative and different, the lighting and sound were on point, and the costumes were outstanding! There is not much more you can ask of a Broadway production. Five out of five, two thumbs up! Go see it!
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This musical is based on quite possibly my favorite book that I have ever read, Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow. Terrence McNally has penned a, albeit simplified, marvelous and masterful stage version of this book. The themes of this story lend themselves so perfectly to being told in musical form; and I am completely in love with the score for this show. This was a handsome production. Scenically it is a much smaller production than the original staging I saw some many years ago; but still is very effective. It also has a slightly smaller ensemble; and, oddly, no orchestra. I don t know if there was no orchestra because of the unfortunate venue in which this tour found itself, or if they are simply not touring with live music. I can t imagine. I will say that I was not aware of this at all during the performance; but there was no conductor prior to curtain and no acknowledgement of the pit during final curtain call. And there were some minor lighting issues during this evening s performance; a few poorly focused instruments or the scenery missed its mark, either way, it was off and neither was the follow spot on his game. This resulted in a couple of actors either singing in the dark or chasing the bouncy light. However, it was a fine cast. Most notably was Chris Sams as Coalhouse Walker Jr., with a remarkable voice and presence; and Kate Turner as Mother, who was as lovely to see as was her voice to hear; and an equally lovely performance. Leslie Jackson as Sarah, too, gave us a lovely performance. While I particularly liked Donald Coggin as Younger Brother, the most remarkable performance was that of the Little Boy, played by a gifted 12 year old named Colin Myers. Besides being my favorite book, this, also, is easily one of my favorite musicals. It is an incredible story set at the onset of the 20th century. I want to say it takes place somewhere around 1906, though the themes remain as relevant today as ever. Celebrity and fame created from nothing more than the sensationalism of the headlines; the plight of immigrants seeking refuge, shelter and the opportunity to forge a better life; racism and the disparity of the classes; the oppression of women; innocents being gunned down or fatally beaten by the authorities simply because of their race; and people trying to find justice while finding themselves - and this story takes place 100 years ago! Can you imagine? There are moments of happiness and a little laughter sprinkled throughout, but this production also brought about a few tears to roll down my cheeks. I was moved and highly entertained by this lovely production of a remarkable musical with an incredible story; presented to us by a lovely, remarkable, and incredibly talented cast.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i did see the original production-one of the most amazing musicals i saw in the last 20 years with on the most impressive scores. I saw this production only because i knew it was closing and knew i'd be in the city. I saw it last night and WOW-you felt the heat in the audience as soon as the curtain went up and the show was stopped at that point with loud cheers-and those cheers continued after most of the numbers. Yes, this production has taken on the 'less is more' aspect-which is good as it focuses on the characters-not the sets. Although the two wonderful leads don't fall in the same category as the two original leads-(who does fall in that category?) they and the rest of the cast are giving a more ensemble piece-no stars-yet everyone shines in this production. And we have that great full orchestra making this score sound as rich as ever. I was brought to tears several times-very rare for me. Only 4 performances left-do not hesitate to to catch one them.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
Columbus Jazz Orchestra :: Classic Albums Live :: MSG :: Irish Tenors :: Little Feat
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw the original production of Ragtime in it's Broadway run. I liked it, but didn't love it, despite the starpower of Brian Stokes Mitchell and Marin Mazzie who were both wonderful. That said, this Kennedy Center production, streamlined and compact, is a truly memorable theatrical experience. I feel that contemporary audiences rise to their feet to give a standing ovation to everything, which diminishes genuine excellence. Suffice to say, I stood to applaud at the conclusion for the first time in a year. The actors portraying Mother, Coalhouse and Sarah delivered starmaking performances. As I mentioned to my wife as we exited the theater, this was a show I'd see again in a heartbeat.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Was looking forward to a new broadway show since so many are not getting off the ground. Was so disappointed. Was a real sleeper.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The curtain opens and there they are. They stand silently, staring out at us as if to say, "Here I am." There is a moment of communion between actors and audience. For a split second, the fourth wall is broken. We observe them and they observe us. We are just people sitting in a theatre, and they are just people on a stage. We share this brief moment and make an unspoken bond to share this journey together. We begin. A lone man sits at the shell of a piano. There are no keys or pedals, but his fingers begin to lift music from the sparse frame, and RAGTIME comes to life. This RAGTIME is about people and relationships, not sets built to look like Victorian homes and replica Model Ts. This RAGTIME is youthful and full of hope and humor. This RAGTIME is urgent and important. This RAGTIME is mine. I thought I knew everything there was to know about the show. But the truth is, that I didn't have a clue until a week ago. This new RAGTIME changes everything. Glitz and glam are stripped away and what we are left with are real people and real relationships. Marcia Milgrom Dodge uses unbelievable inventiveness to give us a completely new RAGTIME. My eyes were opened to who the characters really are and what the show is really about. I never knew that Mother's Younger Brother was an important character. I had always found him odd and stiff. Bobby Steggert gives him youth and fire. He is a passionate and brave young man. Similarly, Coalhouse and Sarah are far more innocent in this production. Quentin Earl Darrington and Sarah Umoh are both making their Broadway debut in this production. Brian Stokes Mitchell and Audra McDonald were far more seasoned when they originated the roles. The result is that Darrington and Umoh, while not not necessarily as commanding as their predecessors, bring a spark of naivete that the characters never had before. Ms. Dodge has clearly decided that this is Coalhouse's story. The production begins with him and his piano center stage, and ends with the lonely piano and Coalhouse's memory. Changes have been made so that the second act begins immediately with Coalhouse's Soliloquy. He is the cog that sets everything in motion for everyone else. In my opinion, however, the story belongs to Mother and the most interesting relationship on the stage is that between Mother and Tateh. Mother is the character who changes the most over the course of the show. At the start of the play, she believes that life is about having a proper husband and a comfortable home. It is about behaving a certain way and saying certain things, whether you believe in them or not. By the end, however, she is a liberated woman. She thinks for herself and will no longer deny her thoughts and feelings. This transformation is expertly portrayed by Christiane Noll. Being such a fan of Marin Mazzie, it was hard for me to imagine anyone else in the roll, but Ms. Noll is a revelation. First of all, her Mother is much younger. With youth, comes truth and humor. I had no idea that Mother was funny! She is not a staunch WASP from New Rochelle. She is a funny and interesting person. You realize that what attracts people to her is not simply her beauty, but her spirit. Similarly, the relationship between Mother and Tateh in this production surprised me. I always found it somewhat contrived that she ended up with him at the end of the show. After all, they only really have two scenes together and I never bought the connection between the two of them. Again, something about Marin Mazzie and Peter Freidman's relationship seemed too staunch. I never quite believed it when she said "She adored him" at the end of the show. Christiane Noll and Robert Petkoff do not have this problem. For starters, Petkoff is at least ten years younger than Freidman was when he created the part of Tateh's. Like most of the rest of this cast, Petkoff's Tateh seems more raw and vulnerable than the original. Freidman's Tateh was desperate and angry so much of the time. Petkoff's Tateh is a young father who lost his wife and, not knowing what else to do, come to America to find a better life for his daughter. He manages to keep his spirit and optimism through everything - and, ultimately, that is what protects his daughter and saves both of their lives. When Mother and Tateh first meet on the train platform in Act 1, he is immediately attracted to her. I never knew this before. I thought that they were just passing pleasantries. Petkoff makes the audience see that, despite the differences in their situation, for five minutes he is just a young man and she is just a young woman and he is attracted to her. That instant connection sows the seeds for their relationship in the second act. For my money, the best number in this entire production is "Our Children," the Act 2 duet between Mother and Tateh. The song is about their children, but it is also about the two of them. Their entire "courtship" takes place during a song during which they do not talk about themselves. But it's there. It's there in the way that she watches him while he talks about his daughter, but turns away the second he meets her eye. It's there in the way that he unabashedly stares at her, without knowing (or caring) that some might consider it impudent. It's there in how they're drawn together by their common need to provide for their young children. It's there in how his right hand reaches slightly towards her and in how she clenches her dress with her left hand instead of grasping his hand for dear life like you know that she wants to. It's there in how they tell each other the truth about who they really are. Suddenly, I understood that she truly did adore him. Their relationship is explained in one line at the end of the show. "Mother wore black for a year. At the end of this time, Tateh proposed and she accepted. She adored him." That's it. It seems impossible to make an audience see just what was between them in those three short lines. Yet, when Ms. Noll said the lines, you believed her. "Adored" meant so much more. It meant "loved him passionately." She grabs him and kisses him and you just know how much she wants him. These people aren't pretty musical theatre people. They are real and raw. The most real and raw moment in the show comes from Ms. Noll when she sings Back to Before. I'd heard the song a million times, but never like this. She argues with Father and she WINS. She isn't just sad. She isn't just angry. She is REBORN. The visual effect of the scene would have been enough. She has gone from a proper wife tied up tight in a white dress, with her hair up, hat in place, parasol up high - to a liberated woman with a loose dress, hair let down (literally and figuratively), and bare feet. Ms. Noll's vocal ability alone would have been enough to sell me on the song. Her voice is flawless, and she delivers this incredible difficult song so effortlessly that one wonders what genius of a voice teacher she goes to. All of that would have been enough, but not for Ms. Noll. The stage picture is part of it. And the voice is part of it. But what wins the day is her acting. I heard the words like I have never heard them before. She was strong and funny and heartbroken and resolute. It is a tour-de-force and, in my humble opinion, the kind of a performance that wins Tony Awards. RAGTIME matters. More specifically, this RAGTIME matters. It is not a beautiful, stuffy period piece about people who no longer exist. Yes, it is set in an important historical context, but ultimately it is about real people and real emotions that we still experience today. The new poster for the show features a collage of early twentieth century inventions, such as the Model T and the phonograph, and the telephone. Snuck in between these objects are the words "THEIR TIME" and "OUR TIME." The show is about specific characters during a specific era in American history, but it is now our time to take their lessons and apply them to the country's future. The ideas of love and despair, justice and hope, and the American Dream are still just as relevant today as they were a hundred years ago. At the end of the show the actors simply come together at the front of the stage and take hands as they sing the show's final stirring chord. As at the beginning of the show, the fourth wall is brought down and we are all one. As as if they are saying "Here we are again. We've all found a way to come together up here tonight. Now it's your turn." This is my RAGTIME.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great Show!! Maybe a bit long. Go see it. Theatre was bit warm.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The powerful and tragic story of Coalhouse Walker and the people who are close to him blends a score of soaring melodies with the passion of actors that feel their parts in every way. My family and I were mezmerized by the action that never seemed to slow down. By the finale we were out of breath and cheering for more. The first time I can remember giving a cast a standing oavtion.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I arrived with a group of 5 friends. None of us were expecting much. We were completely blown away. Ragtime was one of the most memorable musical experiences I have ever had. This show is an American classic in the same league as Showboat and Oklahoma. The set was amazing and almost seemed like a character in the show. The singing was glorious and for a show that was over 2 hours, it really clipped along. The audience simply went nuts the night that we were there. This is the kind of show that should play forever.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Go for the music, go for the incredible voices. It is not easy to condense Ragtime the book into Ragtime the musical, but they did a credible job. The effort to capture the mood and spirit of the pre-WWI era was more elusive, however, with the characterizations somewhat cliched and one dimensional. But whatever flaws exist do not diminish the wonderful music, truly talented acting and inspired staging. It is a big cast, big song, big idea of a broadway musical. Enjoy.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I completely enjoyed the production. The music was wonderful and the actors great.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Run, don't walk, to get your tickets. This is a powerhouse of a production. Beautiful voices, inventive staging, moving performances. NOT TO BE MISSED.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book and the music are amazing...one of the most memorable I have ever seen or heard. All of the cast members have superb voices, with the possible exception of Sarah, who was slightly abrasive at the high end. Where this production falls short of five stars is in comparison to the 1998 original Broadway production, with its full sets and scenery. This new production is produced on a much smaller stage and for all intents and purposes is a "concert" version, albeit with the singers on multi levels in a "U" shape around the stage. Ragtime should end up in opera repetory, It deserves to be seen and heard for many years to come. It should not be missed!
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been seeing Broadway shows for years and just saw RAGTIME in previews last night. IF YOU SEE ONLY 1 SHOW MAKE IT RAGTIME!!!! It is without a doubt the single finest theatrical experience I have ever had in my life! Exhilerating, timely, and stunning, with performances that should win each of them Tony Awards! You will simply not believe your eyes or ears. BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The music and vocal abilities really come to the forefront in this production. Everyone is well cast for their acting abilities as well as their singing chops. The spare set is evocative of the period and is used to good effect. If I was to be niggling, I would say the production fell a bit short in the choreography department. Not that there's a lot of it, but what was there was not as elevated as the rest of the proceedings. It in no way detracted from the evening, but it would have been nice if it had a bit more punch. The rest of the staging worked well. I would like to mention that the show really resonated with the audience, who constantly expressed their approval (or disapproval) of character's actions. It was really nice to experience an audience that was so engaged with what was happening on the stage.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An absolute great evening of entertainment. A wonderful story of the times presented with grace and talent.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Why was there no live orchestra? That was most distressing to us. We go to live theatre knowing there will be live music as well. We could tell it was canned music and nearly walked out. Stop cutting corners financially and deliver what we paid a good amount to see and to hear. Keep our musicians employed! Ragtime was a thought-provoking show that we enjoyed very much except for the lack of live music.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Not the best and not the worst. No memorable songs and some of the characters were difficult to understand. Only a few upbeat scenes.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ragtime, IMO, is the finest American musical ever written. It is about everything to which the American dream aspires, even though that dream always falls short. This production was a pale imitation of Ragtime at its best, from a recorded orchestra to performances that make one long for the likes of Brian Stokes Mitchell, Audra McDonald, Marin Mazzie and Peter Friedman. To be clear, there was nothing wrong with the performances, they were simply not stellar. Even so, it's still a very powerful show, and I'm glad to have seen it (again--this was #15, I think). The venue building itself is beautiful, and free, convenient parking is an added plus. I attend about 50 theatre performances a year all over the country (and the world), and have done so for many years. Entering this theatre marks the first time in all those times that I (and the rest of the audience) were subjected to airport style security, complete with metal detectors and removing everything from pockets for x-ray and visual scrutiny. I was told this is a new policy "since Chatelet"--and I guess it makes sense. Safety first, and all that. But honestly, if this is the new normal for the world, it's a world in which I don't really want to live. And honestly, if it isn't necessary in NYC, Washington DC, and Los Angeles, is it really necessary in Hershey, PA--a place terrorists, I'm guessing, don't know is a real place, but believe to be just the name of a chocolate bar.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I recently saw a touring company of Ragtime. It was a good production except the sound system was very low. If I did not already know the score, I and most everyone around me would not be able to follow the storyline.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Thu, Apr 28, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was phenomenal! The staging was excellent; the ensemble was incredible and the leads were just mesmerizing!
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I hated the book many years ago, and should have thought of that instead of ad reviews. There was no real storyline. It just jumped from one scene to another. Some of the cast was talented, but others were not. We snuck out at intermission.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Done in typical excellent broadway style but the story is quite heavy. I'd recommend a matinee so you have time to recover. Great education for the kids. Yesterday, explains today.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This musical was outstanding! Very strong voices and beautiful songs! The message of this play is true even more so today. I think everyone should be required to see it! The cast was incredible! Loved Cara and Colin Myers as the Little girl and Little boy and Kate Turner as the Mother! Also thought Leslie Jackson, Chris Sams, and Matthew Curiano were really good in their roles as well! If Ragtime is coming to your city, I highly recommend going to see it!
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Though the content was heavy with racial overtones, the cast performed wonderfully. There was not a single weak member of the ensemble.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first time seeing this show. It was wonderful. All the performers were fantastic and the songs were really beautiful. Quite the moving story and I was not really prepared for all that emotion (should have read the book, I guess). Had great seats and nice neighbors. Well worth every penny. Only gripe was the theater was unusually warm. Never had that issue at Cobb Energy Center before. Great venue with very helpful staff
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Not only is this play entertaining, but showed a much deeper message than I thought would come out in a play. Great performances from the whole cast. The music is timeless. From start to finish, well worth seeing Ragtime. I truly enjoyed this play.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent show. I found out, after I had purchased the tickets, that this company is non-equity, so my expectations were low. BOY, was I wrong. It was an all around superb production with a brilliant company. Completely enjoyable evening of entertainment.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
awesome.....some of it was difficult to understand what the actors were saying, not sure if sound system or what but it was a great musical. the performers have incredible talent.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cannot express enough how absolutely incredible this show was, both in talent and message! Jam packed with history and action. Sets and costuming were awesome. Take your teenagers - it's important!!
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Apr 23, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having seen the original production on Broadway, this production was incredible! The direction was stunning, the singing and acting was wonderful and the entire cast gave a cohesive performance that was stellar. Am out of superlatives...but it was one of the best shows I have seen in a very long time.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shame on you, if you missed it! This was a phenomenon to be savoured and long remembered.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lovely production of a beloved Broadway musical with a timeless story. Excellent.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ragtime is an unbelievable show that I will go see even if a local grade school is doing it. It's that good. This production was mediocre. As a professional equity production charging professional equity prices, I expected better sets, effects, and a live orchestra. That said, the performances of several of the performers, including Coalhouse, Sarah, Mother, Evelyn, and Emma, were stellar. Coalhouse seemed to have trouble reaching some of the higher notes and took them down a bit, but other than that I felt like the performers were "real" and made the audience feel what we were supposed to feel. I was brought to tears during a couple performances. Also, knowing the show really well, I noticed more than one song being pared down, presumably to save time. But I thought the cuts in Crime Of The Century and Henry Ford as well as the Entre' Act being omitted did the show a disservice. Too bad this show wasn't better promoted in St. Louis, because there's nothing more depressing as a performer when the curtain rises to an empty house. Thankfully, I felt the performers gave it their all, as if every seat was taken. If I happen to be in KC when it hits there (for 6 nights instead of 2, ironically...), I would try to catch this show again.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This show was an emotional experience. Much different from what I thought it would be since I only knew one song before I saw it.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was great. Not sure if there was a live orchestra in back or if the music was recorded which is odd. For the price it should have a live orchestra. I love the score and it's a powerful book.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We thoroughly enjoyed this musical. Great music presented so well! Beautiful venue as well.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I thought it would concentrate on ragtime jazz music and was disappointed that there wasn't more information to describe what it was really about.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was great! It's one thing to learn about U.S. history, but it's a whole different experience to watch it. The story is of 3 families (white, black, and European immigrant) interacting with each other and trying to survive the struggle that was 19th century New York. All three are from different social classes and the struggles begin when the social rules that separate them are broken. The stage setup of this show is very simplistic in design using rotating scene objects but not actual set pieces, therefore keeping the focus on the characters and their movements rather than the background. Rag is a very iconic style of American music and the soundtrack is catchy and fun to listen to. The costumes were very time appropriate and the dancing was very entertaining to watch. When the actors sang, they were very passionate with the emotions they were trying to convey. Mixed into the story are actual historical figures important to the time, which the musical briefly educates you on them. One thing that I appreciated about this musical was that it showed what that society was like using the language that they used back then instead of showing an overly bright , altered, and censored version of history. It's towards the end of Act 1 and all of Act 2 where it really begins, so overall its a family musical, but just be careful to explain to young kids why they are saying the things that they are and why they are being treated that way. Overall, I strongly recommend this musical to people who like rag music, U.S. history, or people who enjoy a good story.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The audio wasn't very good and that made it very difficult to hear the words of the songs at times. The storyline of the performance was slow in the beginning but picked up and became quite wonderful.. In my opinion, the overall performance was very good.
William Saroyan Theatre Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center - Fresno, CA - Tue, Mar 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So glad one of my favorite plays came back and so close to home .
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sound system was lacking making it difficult to understand the actors/singers; vocals of this company were also lacking based on other performances I have seen
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Excellent performances. Play was bad. Sound system was bad. Save your time and money.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Voices were wonderful & strong. Sound was poor - could not understand most of the speaking. Thought it was my hearing but others in our group felt similarly.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 stars only based on the fact we had difficulty hearing and we enjoy a live orchestra. The talent on stage was 5 star at every spoken scene and song. Well worth anyone's evening!
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Great show that had some wonderful moments but it was very hard to hear (and understand) the dialogue which made some parts hard to follow.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Please see it before it closes. You are doing yourself a disservice not to see it.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went knowing little or nothing about the show. I was instantly pulled into the story. Music and story was absorbing. major talent on stage..from actors, orchestra, staging and writing. I want to see it again.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A must for everyone to attend! The story is timeless and even more powerful with our President in the whitehouse! The voices of the ENTIRE cast were amazing! A serious topic portrayed in such an entertaining way. Total perfection!
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen RAGTIME in 3 other local productions and always am awash in emotion during it. Yesterday, I ran out of tissues watching this AMAZING and POWERFUL new revival of the show. I was worried the bare bones stage construction would be ineffective and distracting but the use of the various levels was wonderful. And the entire cast was truly stellar, in particular the actors playing Coalhouse, Sarah, Younger Brother, Tateh and Mother (Quentin Earl Darrington, Stephanie Umoh, Bobby Steggert, Robert Petkoff and Christiane Noll respectively). I was thrilled to lead the immediate standing ovation...or at least I felt I was leading it. No one needed coaxing though to get to their feet and applaud this beautiful musical. I've already started telling everyone I know to go see it. I even geeked out and waited at the stagedoor for autographs which I NEVER do.
Neil Simon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 22, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this more intimate staging, the amazing voices come to glorious life. You are not likely to hear more powerful singing this season on Broadway.
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ragtime delivered on all bases. The music, the costumes and the dancing were topnotch. The actors were all great and their voices added to the total enjoyment. The story is so important for all to experience. I read E. L Doctorow's Ragtime many years ago and am amazed at how well the story was adapted to the mucical without losing the message. I walked out of the theater thoroughly happy and satisfied-something only a great play can accomplish!
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Did not like it from the beginning. It jumped around there didn't seem to be a cohesive story line. The sound was bad but the costumes were good. We didn't even wait for intermission, we left half way thorough the first act (which is something we never do!). We are season ticket holders and have been for several years, this was one of the worst shows we have seen. Very disappointed!
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This production was done very well - very similar to the event I saw on Broadway. Vocals were wonderful, costumes and scenery done very well. So glad they came to Illinois! The Coronado Theater was beautiful!
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show was great. The actors gave an amazing performance. This is a classic that still pertains to today's society.
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Excellent performance by the actors, but it was difficult to understand the spoken and sung words, presumably due to issues with the sound mixing. I was surprised with the overall theme of the play, having arrived with no prior knowledge of this work. . .it is not all fun and musical games.
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The production was well done. The actors were fantastic! The sound system was another story. Many of the actors were hard to hear and/or understand when speaking and singing. Don't know if the problem was their microphone head sets, sound equipment, the sound control person, or the venue (we have attended many similar events in the Tennessee Theatre and never experienced this problem before).
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
From the very beginning, I was unimpressed with the audio. The speakers were sparce (only in the front?) and undersized. I've been to a number of shows in that theater and know that there is a possibility for better sound. It was a big deal to me and to the people I had talked to. I missed a lot of the words, for example, even though I was in the middle. The performers were awesome. Mother was such a delight to listen to. Liked the story. Music was not memorable or catchy. That's the biggest disappointment. It was a fun performance, but not worth the price.
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
BRAVO!! My favorite thing in life is to attend a Broadway production close enough to see the actors spit. The best of the best in theater. And I was in the front row tonight for that magical experience. Only it was at the Tennessee Theater for "Ragtime." Outstanding production! Staging & direction was crisp, voices highly trained, great set & phenomenal story. Chris Sams who plays the lead, Coalhouse Walker, Jr was sublime! Such power & movement & controlled emotion - the man's a star. Reminds me of when I saw Ben Vereen on Broadway in Jesus Christ Superstar & fell madly in love with his incredible talent. A standing ovation well deserved. If you have tix you're in for a real treat! Still swooning. Might be the best thing I've seen in Ktown
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
We were in the 5th row lower orchestra and were unable to hear the actors. The song words were difficult to understand. We left at the intermission.
Tennessee Theatre - Knoxville, TN - Sat, May 14, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The sound was not very good at the Tennessee Theater for a musical. I have been to concerts and movies there and it is fine. Actors were difficult to hear in speaking parts and music was less effective because it was just not loud enough
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great cast, but often hard to hear. Costumes were very good authentic. Too bad the rest of the score didn't live up to the opening number
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought the tix in Sept not knowing what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. A very well done touring production! Well worth seeing!
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We had been searching for some time to find a production of Ragtime. It was worth the wait. The music and singing was terrific. Wish we could see it again.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw this play in 1998 in New York with the original cast. I'll never forget crying, during Audra McDonald's performance of "Your Daddy's Son". The cast touring now, was amazing! I would love to see it again!
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible performances and a story still timely today. First rate.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The actors had the most amazing singing voices and the Hershey Theater is beautiful!
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This production of Ragtime was fantastic. The choreography was well done. Mother was amazing. Tateh sang well, but his character was a little disappointingly cartoonish. Overall, we loved it and would recommend it to anyone.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The performance was wonderfully staged, using less than I remember and using it well, the performances were wonderfully performed, the music was as wonderful as I remember, the story powerful, riveting, poignant . . . and if I am using the word wonderful often it's because it was! I saw it on Broadway and loved it and enjoyed this performance no less and perhaps more, because it was too long a wait. The tour on the East Coast was very limited. Glad I saw it at Hershey. Never been to this theatre before and it's lovely. Will look forward to visiting it again. If "Ragtime" pops up again, I will revisit it as well.
Hershey Theatre - Hershey, PA - Sat, Apr 30, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ragtime is a story that needs to be told, and this staging of it is excellent. I've seen this tour eight times, and it gets better every time. The performers' voices and acting are beyond reproach. I found myself in tears several times during the performance and then again at the end for the sheer power of it. Wow. The ratings guide gets it right. Amazing!
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The performances were superb. I love this show because it's emotionally stirring and that came through in the singing and acting. I was disappointed that the music was recorded (no pit orchestra), but the cast did a good job with the timing.
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is such an emotional show. It takes your heart out of your chest, but in the best way possible. It's definitely a show you never forget.
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An unbelievable show- my favorite musical of all times, and this cast did not disappoint. Strikingly relevant themes for today, set in a turn-of-the-century context. Brilliant music and a poignant script.
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having heard the music from the show, I was excited to see the show. Little did I know that it was a high impact drama with a great book! The dancing and the acting took no back seat to the music either. Nothing escapist about this show, so don't go expecting light-hearted entertainment.
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was our fourth time seeing Ragtime. We first saw Ragtime in NYC when it came to Broadway. Brian Stokes Mitchell, Audra MacDonald and Marian Mazzi. A blockbuster, but it's competition was Lion King that year. Our second time to Ragtime at the Hershey Theater and once at The Fulton Theater in Lancaster PA. Great story and wonderful music.
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This musical was one of the best we have ever seen at the Adler. It had the power of "Jersey Boys" with the added historical perspective. I would love to see it again!
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am very happy it was not what u expected. The show held my attention throughout. all of the performers were great. theatre was comfortable and staff very courteous. truly an awesome experience.
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Static crackling and disembodied voices should not be tolerated in professional productions. The problems reminded me of high school musicals where admission is three bucks and you wish they could afford better equipment. The performers were mostly good but that cracking sound system spoiled many moments.
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought the performance was wonderful! For an older musical it had a very current theme. The only downside was when Sarah, who had a beautiful voice, microphone was full of static. That annoyed me but otherwise a wonderfully acted musical!
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, WI - Wed, Feb 10, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The professionalism of the entire cast, the passionate themes of this musical, the beautiful voices, the imaginative use of sets, the zazz of the pacing of the show, the SONGS, the wonderful visuals of costumes and choreography, all added up to an unforgettable experience! Although set in the early 1900's, the issues of immigration, acceptance of racial differences, jobs and fair pay,and women's rights, all are the same issues we deal with today. A poignant musical for all times.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was wonderful. The singing was amazing - all singers!! The sets were tremendous. All in all, everything was so professional.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rarely in the recent past have Terre Haute audiences been treated to such a talented cast performing such a wonderful show. The cast was the caliber that one expects from a professional touring company, and the source material was lovely, powerful, and unexpectedly contemporary. I'm so glad I went!
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The show started slow but started to catch my attention. Unfortunately it didn't hold it and I left at intermission. It was hard to understand the actors I wasn't impressed with most of the music.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ragtime is an important show -- it tells stories that need to be heard. The music is wonderful, the script is taut and there is very little extraneous plot or dialogue. This cast was very good. The actors playing Tateh and Sarah were two of the stand-outs, Tateh for his acting and Sarah for her singing. The most glaring flaw of the production was the absence of an orchestra; a live orchestra would have added so much to the show. Also, it seemed to me that the soundtrack was not even recorded by a live orchestra, but was generated by a computer. Yes, the computer has "sounds" for a piano, for a clarinet, etc. but the music was mechanical, lacking any of the variation of live performance. The producers may think audiences don't notice things like this, but we do. If there had been a live orchestra, I would have given this show five stars, but I'm taking a star "off" for the computer-generated accompaniment.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Musical wth everything you want! Extraordinarily strong voices that transported the audience into the scene and mood. The actors were superb and seemed to be so "into" their roles and loving what they were doing.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful show. Moving performances by all, especially lead singers.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the moment the curtain rose until the curtain came down, the show kept my attention. The voices, the acting, the costume, and the expressions shown on the actors' faces---all were amazing. What a wonderful show!
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have seen Ragtime before and always remembered it as a wonderful story. I was very excited to bring two friends with me to this production and introduce them to a terrific play. However, something about this new vision for the production left us disappointed. While the actors and vocals were very good, the bare-bones approach to telling the story just felt flat and moved so slowly that we found ourselves getting truly bored. It was not nearly as engaging as the previous production I remembered. We left at intermission, and I noticed the people sitting next to us did as well. Sad to say, it just wasn't worth it to sit through the rest of the play and hope it would get better.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is a wonderful play with great music that I have seen before. While the acting and production was excellent, it was disappointing that there was no live band., especially for a touring company. Moreover, the lead voices were not strong enough and occasionally the music drowned out the lyrics.
The Peabody Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach, FL - Mon, Jan 11, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ragtime exceeded my expectations. The music was wonderful and the story and acting were great.
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was so pleasantly surprised by the high level of the entire performance seen this past Monday at the Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach, Fl. Not only were the performances first rate but the sound, costumes and tech were extremely well put together. Tours can sometimes be a bit sparse and event though this was a smaller cast by Ragtime standards, it was rich and full. Congratulations and I wish it were in town for more than one night so others could enjoy it.
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In a word "Bravo" to the entire cast and production.
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been listening to the music of Ragtime for years, but I had never seen the show. This has fulfilled my every wish for it. Fantastically done and amazing talent!
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Usually I'm disappointed in the Broadway shows that come through Baton Rouge. I feel they are the understudies getting practice. Well, if that was the case with Ragtime, they need to become primary players. They sounded great!
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful production of a great show!! The cast was remarkable, the staging fabulous and set and lighting rounded out an amazing theatrical experience!!! Flawless!!!!
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thoroughly enjoyable performance with moments that really make you think (somewhat uncomfortably at times I may add) about our country's past.
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was wonderful, especially the person who played Mother.
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ragtime was a great play with excellent actors, and Chrysler Hall in Norfolk is a really nice venue. The setting on stage was a bit weak at times (I assume being a two-day production they left some things back at the home base), but whatever the set was occassionally lacking the actors more than made up for it. They had strong voices, wonderful harmony, and brought a lot of emotion to their characters. This play is highly recommended.
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was delighted to see that Ragtime was coming. The performers were both competent and engaging. The thing that made the production less than stellar was the recorded accompaniment track and lack of any sound crew. For the price I paid, I would have accepted a hybrid musicial performance. But there was no solution to one voice being more powerful than another. This was just a fact of this approach to musical theater. Though I enjoyed my evening, I would not wish to see another performance (even if it was free) nor would I recommend it for anyone to pay this price for a diminished show due to cost cutting measures.
Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, VA - Sat, Nov 21, 2015
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