Meat Puppets

MEAT PUPPETS IN CONCERT:Meat Puppets have married chicken pickin’ country licks to fuzz-driven power chords for more than 30 rip-roaring years. Father and son Curt and Elmo Kirkwood command the six string duties in concert, delivering epics like “Oh, Me” with the instrumental interplay of The Allman Brothers, and thrashy throwdowns including “Lake of Fire” and “Backwater” with the furious punch of The Stooges. Curt's little brother Cris underpins the family guitar insanity with the thunderous, low-end rumble of his signature barreling basslines. And behind the kit, Shandon Sahm pounds out the shuffling rhythms and booming fills that help define the group’s brilliant blend of classic rock, punk, and country.
Meat Puppets Concert & Tour Photos