Hollywood Christmas Parade

Hollywood Christmas Parade

Hollywood Christmas Parade Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Even though rain was forcast and expected, The Hollywood Parade did NOTHING to prepare for it. The stages were not covered so NO ONE performed. The grandstands were not covered so they were completely drenched!! Everyone had umbrellas so we didn't fit in the grandstands. The "red carpet" was completely flooded so ALL shoes and lower legs were completely wet. Rain doesn't bother me but the total lack of preparation was not acceptable. WASTED MONEY!!!
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's was fun and entertaining. This was my second year in a row going and it never fails to impress.
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Such a dissappintment!!! It was such a slow show, most of the time there wasnt even musuc during the parade. It was a waste of time and money. I dont get how was the tickets sold out. I am sure nobody goes there for a second time!!
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
Jen Kirkman :: Mac King :: Queen Extravaganza :: P!NK: BEAUTIFUL TRAUMA WORLD TOUR :: Joe Deguardia's Star Boxing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was our first time attending. Seats we're comfortable for the price we paid which was $25. We were able to walk the red carpet and see celebrities! It was a bit cold and I would recommend sweater, coat, scarf, gloves and beanie.
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great seats in the stands allowed us to see everything in the parade, including the wonderful bands, marvelous balloons, horse groups, and cars from movies and TV.
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
If when you buy your tickets they can give you a map on how to get there and avoid major traffic and have a designated parking for people who bought tickets would be a major plus. I almost went home because I drove for 1:30 looking for a way closer to the venue since I had my 2 year old with me. Perhaps an inside vedor selling hot chocolate, coffee and snacks would of been good to avoid leaving.
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great seats. Very easy to get to. Parking close by. The only way to see a parade.
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked it overall. We purchased bleacher seats. Convenient and easy access. Bring a blanket to sit on. It helps take the winter chill off. The parade is cute for sure, but the balloon designs are older. And it's definatly a tv show so where we sat there was stopping and starting of the floats and acts. But would I go again? Yes. I love Hollywood and it was convenient and easy for us. Plus it's a nice holiday twinkle.
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The parade is not Macy's or that one in Pasadena but it's not trying to be! It fun, sometimes silly, interesting and magical. Music, equestrians, balloons, star cars, costumed characters and marching bands! It's really makes me feel the holiday spirit. It's a tradition and a great way to ring in the holidays. Get a seat, sit back, hug your partner and relax. My only other recommendation is layer!
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The warm up guy for the concert that never happened had the best line ever - "we will just put on our ponchos of acceptance" In Southern California, we do not plan for rain. When it happens in other parts of the country, there is a plan..... but not here in sunny California. Here, we just put on our "ponchos of acceptance" and go home. Tomorrow will be a better day. :) As a bonus, we got to see ourselves on TV two years in a row.... since they edited in the last year's concert with the rainy parade footage.
Hollywood - Hollywood, CA - 11/30/2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It was raining so we didn't get to see the concert. The parade was delayed several times because of the rain. I paid $65 for tickets to be able to see the stage, fortunately all the people that were actually in the parade stopped to preform right in front of us. Good thing we set our dvr to record the parade so we could see the things we paid to see. We were in California for Thanksgiving with family. Even on television concert wasn't what was advertised.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was cold, rainy, but extremely exciting! Loved!
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Hi, my sisters flew in from Manila, Philippines and the concert was one of the highlights of their visit. We got 4 tickets at $85/each and was very disappointed that we were not able to see Stevie and the rest of the artists perform. We drove all the way from Tustin only to be drenched in the rain. I'd like to request for a refund for this. Thank you very much.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
It rained, Hollywood did not know what to do with rain. There was no concert. Most of the parade did not march, float, roll or trot, so what was left was pitiful. The red carpet was a red sponge that completely soaked your feet and shoes. The programs were soaking wet. The space on the bleachers assigned to each ticket was very small and very narrow, with all the umbrellas making it even worse. The $85 per seat was ridiculous for the entertainment, but at least it went to charity (I hope)
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I do not think it is fair to really review this because the rain ruined it. The stands were not so grand. We sta in the rain for 4hrs. We never got to see Santa either. It was past 830 and it was dead w/ no cars or anything really going down the red carpet. I am sure this is great when there is no rain.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
We had a good time! It was raining and we were soaked through our clothes! It started late and we were getting too cold so we had to leave early but we enjoyed the parts we saw. My only issue is that the concert was canceled. We paid quite a bit too see the performances and they didn't happen. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Because of the rain they canceled concert. They should have had a tarp for stage...so they could have had concert.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
We've been to this "parade" twice, and both times there were major delays and technical difficulties, people leaving early, and general lack of sustained excitement. However it is interesting to see all of the effort that goes into something like this, and it's always fun to see Erik Estrada (Ponch from CHiPs). My kids always get to see various Disney TV stars drive by, which is one of the main reasons we go. By the end many people have left and they fill in that part of the bleachers to make it seem crowded. Staged fun, but it can be nice to get out of the house and be a part of Hollywood TV Magic.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Despite the rain we had a really good time! Thinking that this will be a new tradition for us.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I need my refund back. There were no bleacher seats with the sections printed in the ticket. The ushers had no clue where to seat my pregnant g.f and I, and it was pouring rain. Half the show was cancelled because of the rain. I need my refund back. Ticket was too pricey for the event. The stars mentioned prior to the event weren't there. It was a total bummer.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 30, 2014
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I spent $83 per ticket ($246) so I could have nice grandstand seats for me and my family. The day of the event it was a torrential rain storm. When your state has been through a drought, you can't complain about the rain, but you can point out how ill-prepared the organizers were for this rain. If I paid money for tickets I expect a canopy/tent over where I'm sitting in the event of a rain. Or free umbrellas and blankets. SOMETHING. But they had cold, wet, metal bleachers and NOTHING. Wet metal in the rain. Like that's a good idea. They also said to "Go Metro" to get to the event, but the buses weren't able to get to Hollywood and Vine! What's the point? The performers for the live concert canceled, of course. AND - we were supposed to be in our seats at 4:45 but there was a line still at 4:30. My 76-year-old mom was already exhausted from fighting our way to that point in the rain and wind (as were all of us). The thought of climbing up the bleacher steps and sitting on cold metal for 2 hours in the rain was not appealing, so we went home. We never saw the event. It was an awful experience. I'll never spend money on something like this ever again. I'm not ever going to be able to get it back. For that kind of money I should have been able to promise my family a good time. For what we went through, I think I should get double my money back. That is how bad it was. If I could give negative stars I would.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Erik Estrada should be fired. Horrible, Horrible HORRIBLE. Erik may have even been drunk when he arrived. Not well dressed for the part, very poor behavior. The pouring rain did not help the event any, but attendance was poor. Thankfully, the police were wonderful. They were well-manned through the entire route, so when the bands were marching on poorly lit streets with no fans watching them they had the police still present to ensure their safety (part of the neighborhood was less than safe without the police presence). Very disappointed our band selected this location for a trip. We will not be coming back and I will ensure this happens. It will be interesting to see how much better it is portrayed on tv with the miracle of editing. At one point there was a 45 minute break in the parade with no explanation. We were not allowed to leave because they needed people in the stands for the television coverage. Sad and pitiful sums up this event.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Yawn! 2 hours late starting because of rain. Please people, it rains! The show must and should go on....on time! I'm giving 3 stars only because of the dedicated people who volunteered at this event and all that participated. They were positive and friendly! Cudos to the Marines and all the other participants for sticking it out. $85 is ridiculous to pay for the grandstand seating and no concert as promised!
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The parade was good. We were disappointed that they weren't more prepared for the rain for concert. The stages should have been covered since the weather station was calling for rain for days before. We paid money for those seats and a concert. Lots of bands play in the rain with covered stages.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the parade i just wished some of the cars would have slowed down.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was our first time to the parade and by far the best parade we ever saw. This will be a family tradition from now on that we will be there every year. LOVE IT!!!
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was our first Hollywood Christmas Parade. The concerts were unexpected and added to an memorable experience. My daughters kept smiling and had so much fun. I was the hero for the day for planning this day. One criticism, our location on the red Carpet Section 1, Row C, the floats, bands and actor and actresses rushed by us and never stopped or passed slowly for a more intimate setting. They sped to the host stage. I know it was being televised and which made each presenter keep a tight schedule, but it really cheated our opportunity to take pictures, most of all my daughters seen all of their Disney Characters and Actors/Actresses, but didn't get to say hi, as they sped by pretty fast.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So much fun! The wait time from being required to be in the stands to parade start was a little long, but overall a great experience!
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tickets were great. We sat in front of where the parade was being filmed. Everyone was kind. My son and husband enjoyed it so much. HAd never seen them so happy. My childhood dream come true.
Hollywood Christmas Parade - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Nov 25, 2012
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