Lil Durk

LIL DURK IN CONCERT:Hip hop up-and-comer Lil Durk is the musical embodiment of Chicago's rough and tumble South Side, using his experiences in the neighborhood as the starting point for his heavy-hitting flows. The young rapper has seen his share of conflict, but he always manages to come out on top with his slick rhymes and impenetrable swagger. Whether he's spitting his underground breakout hit "Sneak Dissin'" or hyping up the crowd with cuts from his 2014 debut album Remember My Name, Lil Durk is a formidable young talent with big things on the horizon. BACKGROUND SNAPSHOT:Chicago's Lil Durk arrived on the scene in early 2011 with the surprise hit "Sneak Dissin'", an underground anthem lamenting two-faced behavior in the rap game.

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
he always brings someone dope out u gotta make ur way to one of these shows
Howard Theatre - Washington, DC - Fri, Feb 27, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really went to the event for Lil Uzi annnnndddddd he was everything!!!! But Lil Durk also surprised me and I enjoyed his performance. No complaints because my favorite song from him he performed 2 songs in so I was pleased.
Howard Theatre - Washington, DC - Fri, Feb 27, 2015
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The doors for this concert opened at 7. No one listed as a performer came on stage until 10. Prior to that, we listened to the same (radio) songs over and over and over. Then, people I've never heard of (that were not on the bill) attempted to perform but the audio was horribly flawed and they couldn't finish. That happened to two separate, extraneous performers that no one (absolutely no one) wanted to see in the first place. Then, Angie Ang from WPGC came out. Everyone continued to ask the crowd if they were ready to see Uzi and Durk. Despite the fact that we said yes every time, there were more and more delays. Angie Ang kept talking to people in the audience on the mic, as if it was entertaining or humorous to the crowd. She wasted a lot of time and at many moments before Uzi came on, it felt like the concert had already ended. The atmosphere was absolute trash. When Uzi finally did perform it was ok, but him half-rapping over his recorded voice didn't really give me the authentic experience. I didn't even stay for Durk. Was too tired and my excitement had long dwindled.
Howard Theatre - Washington, DC - Fri, Feb 27, 2015
Snarky Puppy :: Ultimate Doo-Wop Show :: Easton Corbin :: The Wizard of Oz (Touring) :: Siggno
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Lil durk didnt perform regardless of the situations.
Howard Theatre - Washington, DC - Fri, Feb 27, 2015
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I didn't see anywhere where you had to be over 21 to attend. I bought 2 tickets for my adult children (age 19 and 20) and they were told at the door (after waiting for 30 minutes in the 20 degree weather) that the event was for age 21 and older. Reallly??!!
Howard Theatre - Washington, DC - Fri, Feb 27, 2015
[Temporary disabled] Lil Durk needs your feedback
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