These Are Powers

These Are Powers
Hillstomp :: The Nightwatchman :: Pictures of Then :: Father's Day Comedy Show :: Enter Shikari

Fan Reviews

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Born Ruffians
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rad show last night. Spacious venue. Born Ruffians played a great show and their set was beautiful! Cant wait for their return!
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Thu, Nov 7, 2013
The Besnard Lakes
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The music at this Friday the 13th show was first-rate and I enjoyed all three bands a lot. Sound was good, loud, but not too much. Vocals could have been mixed better. However, I do have some comments and complaints about the venue. The Bowery Ballroom web site said that doors would open at 7:00 and the show would start at 8:00. Now I've been going to concerts for years and I know that shows don't usually begin on time. However, for a 3-band gig I thought this might be close to accurate, and since I had bought my ticket over the web and had instructed it be held in will-call, I arrived on time. As it turned out, doors didn't open until after 8:00 and the first band didn't begin until after 9:00. This is unfair to your customers, a disrespect of their personal time. Next, there was no sense of curation, no sense that the Bowery Ballroom bookers had intentionally assembled this bill and chosen these performers for some coherent reason. For instance, all three groups are from Canada, which has a very active indie music scene. I doubt most other attendees knew this beforehand, and given the difficulty of hearing the band's brief self-descriptions, few listeners may have left knowing this at the end of the evening. Would it kill you to have an announcer say at the beginning of a show something like, "The Bowery Ballroom is proud to present three of the most exciting acts from Montreal, Halifax, etc.. . . ." Let people know why the establishment has chosen to put on this program, instead of another. It's called curation.
Mojos - Columbia, MO - Sat, May 22, 2010
Cary Brothers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cary Brothers sounds so amazing live. We had such a great evening, full of wicked music and tons of laughs (who knew he was so hilarious?!). I'll definitely be going next time he's in town.
The Media Club - Vancouver, BC - Mon, Aug 16, 2010
A Fine Frenzy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The whole performance from A Fine Frenzy was amazing! They had energy and spirit the whole show, and I had so much fun. Alison gives it her all every performance!
Park West - Chicago, IL - Wed, Nov 4, 2009
Us Air Guitar Championships
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This event was way more fun & exciting than I'd expected. A visual treat! Hilarious, too!
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sat, Jun 5, 2010
Bang Camaro
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every minute of a Bang Camaro show is absolutely jam-packed with at least 12 people absolutely rocking their faces off. There's so much going on you'll never be bored by repetition. Bang might very well be my favorite live music experience.
Paradise Rock Club - Boston, MA - Fri, Nov 12, 2010
Joan As Police Woman
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Joan As Police Woman is amazing to see live. Multi-talented with a wide range of instruments, voice with soul, attitude of fun and spunk -- total entertainment! Buy her albums, especially the latest one THE CLASSIC -- such innovative sound while being so instantly lovable! My 1 and a half year old daughter even dances to it -- and demands it on replay.
Mercury Lounge - New York, NY - Thu, Apr 14, 2011
Ra Ra Riot
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This band played songs from three different albums, which was great - really showcased their wide array of talents. The sound engineer wasn't paying attention, unfortunately - the bass was way high, and drowned out the strings element. The stage show (lights) were good. The band seemed very into the show. The use of the taped synths and drum machine were very lame. The were at their best performing the material off their first two albums; the new material they performed was actually better live than on the record.
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Thu, Sep 23, 2010
Job for a Cowboy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Epic concert! Sweet mosh pit. Only downfall was when Skeleton Witch came on, they were a little boring. But when Job came on, they destroyed
Crocodile Rock - Allentown, PA - Wed, Apr 28, 2010
Matt Andersen
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
On the stage concert was incredible. The playing and singing of Matt Andersen is one of the best concerts I've been to. How people have never heard of Matt Anderson is a crime. One of best musicians ever. I'd go and see him again for sure and if you haven't heard of Matt, GO AND SEE HIM!
Winter Garden Theatre - Toronto, ON - Sat, Oct 22, 2011
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