Mad Child
Big Apple Big Band :: Blood Moon Therapy :: Lost Songs of Broadway

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Entertainer Of The Year
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
i loved this paegant one of the best in the country!!!!! the venue was lovely the hosts where hilarious the contestants where stunning!!!!! the only thing that need to go is that awful led video screen it was cool for effect and the overall look but people had videos that were not even remotely visible and i think that really took away frm what the contestant brought to the stage other than that it was flawless
Horseshoe Southern Indiana - Elizabeth, IN - Sun, Jul 29, 2012
The Security Project
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Outstanding musicianship all the way around. I did find out quite late in the game that the original lead singer had left the band. That was very disappointing however, the show was still outstanding.
The Paramount - Huntington, NY - Fri, Mar 14, 2014
XO Ball
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The party was a waste of time. The only highlight was Too Short. VIP was a JOKE. Two drink tickets, a veggie/cheese platter, porn stars that looked underwhelmed, lame contest, and lack of people in VIP. Isn't VIP supposed to be the area where people WANT to get in?? I couldn't wait to get out and go home. Yawn...i left early and got drunk at the hotel.
Cow Palace - Daly City, CA - Sat, Sep 22, 2012
98KUPD's Desert Uprising
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Honestly, I attend a lot of 98KUPD's shows and they're usually all pretty great. 98 does a good job of getting good rock shows to the valley. That said, when they created last years Desert Uprising, it was awesome. For the first time really, Arizona had a two day rock fest which usually stays reserved for bigger places like California. It's awesome they were able to bring that to town for us. So this years was no different and I'm glad we had a second one. I think we need to have one like this every year at the end of summer. I've heard people complain about the line up on one day or the other, but that's not in control all the time. For instance, day one was a stop by the rock alligence tour and day two was the original Uproar tour listing. I think this is a great way to bring a good time to all the people of Arizona and it's definitely a good way to end the summer for us. Time to make sure we do this every year.
Ashley Furniture HomeStore Pavilion - Phoenix, AZ - Fri, Sep 28, 2012
Trigger Hippy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best concerts I've seen in a while. Joan Osbourn still has it!
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Sun, Aug 17, 2014
Divas Do Ac
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a once in a lifetime event. The FINEST artists pay homage to the most iconic of entertainers. RUN, don't walk to see this extravaganza before it ends. Best $25 bucks I ever spend, and I saw it twice...
Resorts Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Wed, Dec 26, 2012
Rising Over Envy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fargo was awesome. I hope to see them at House of Blues again soon!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Sun, Jul 29, 2012
The Lalas
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was lucky enough to catch The Lalas Burlesque for the first time recently. My wife and I love live music, theater, dancing... anything entertaining. This was SUCH a cool show. It was an awesome date night, but I'd also use a future Lalas show as an excuse for a business meeting... or anything. What a way to have a night out or introduce friends or business associates to something really different but amazing. It was ROCKING, it was funny (surprisingly so!), it was sexy and it was totally entertaining. I have actually seen a few burlesque shows before, and this was WAY next level. I think I saw pro-versions of amateur shows before. Unlike the very short (in time/length) burlesque shows I saw before, The Lalas were a full length show that totally held our interest. This show felt big time choreographed and rehearsed, but totally in the moment. In other words, unlike other burlesque shows, you can tell the work that goes into The Lalas and unlike other shows, the dancers are living the moment. Their passion for their craft, their ownership of their sexiness, their talent and their love of being on stage totally showed. It was really, really fun. We'll definitely see them again. Highly recommended show... for ANYONE!
The Federal Bar - North Hollywood, CA - 04/08/2016
H2O Music Festival
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw Roberto Tapia, Big Boi, A Tribe Called Quest, Dj Chuckie, and Pitbull!! It was amazing!! I had a blast and I will definitely be there next year!!
Los Angeles State Historic Park - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Aug 17, 2013
Country Roads: a John Denver Celebration
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
In my mind a tribute band that plays music from a famous performer from the past should just get up on stage and crank the music out and let the crowd remember and relive a time past when they saw or listened to that performer who we will never get to see again. the Jim Curry Band overall did a decent job of doing that, but I found myself (and the people I was with) getting a little tired of all the chattiness. If you are going to spend your money to go hear someone you know is not the real thing, you are there for the music, not the conversation. The excessive talking got in the way of the mood and the music, and I ended up feeling cheated out of about 5-6 additional songs that could have been played if not for the talking. Not all the greatest hits were played because the band changes it up each tour, and if this was your first time seeing them, you missed out because their set changed. All great songs-no problems there, but why skip Leaving on a Jet Plane for a deep track from an album that few bought? All in all a good show, and recommended for John Denver fans but I won't see them again unless I know the set list ahead of time.
Ames Center (formerly Burnsville Performing Arts Center) - Burnsville, MN - Sat, Oct 25, 2014
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