And So I Watch You From Afar

AND SO I WATCH YOU FROM AFAR IN CONCERT:Post-rockers And So I Watch You From Afar have developed a reputation for mind-blowing performances since debuting their instrumental jams in 2005. Concert-goers will be rocking out right off the bat thanks to the acrobatic fretwork of guitarists Rory Friers and Niall Kennedy on riff-centric epics like "Wasps," "Think:Breathe:Destroy," and "Run Home." The group is known for taking audiences on a dynamic journey, immersing listeners in atmospheric echoes and breaking into rousing, word-less harmonies that give ticket buyers a chance to sing along and join in on the fun. Fans of adventurous rock can't go wrong with And So I Watch You From Afar any time they serve up their hard-hitting, fun-loving, and uniquely ambitious sound in concert.
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